The Candidates Respond: Relationships with School Districts

We asked county commissioner candidates to answer five questions, and all provided responses. Today, we continue with the third question: How would you characterize the relationships between the county and each of our community’s two school districts? In what ways could these relationships be improved?

Community Talks About School Equity

On Saturday, February 20, the second community forum on school equity was held: "Excellence with Equity: The Schools Our Children Deserve." The event was cosponsored by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools PTA Council, Organizing Against Racism (OAR)-Orange, the NAACP Youth Council, Movement of Youth, and the Special Needs Advisory Council (SNAC). The event was live-tweeted by OrangePolitics and a number of other attendees.

The Candidates Respond: 2016 County Bond Referendum

We asked the nine candidates for Orange County Board of Commissioners to answer five questions, and all provided responses. Every Monday, we are posting the responses to one question. Today, we continue with the second question: Is the allocation of funds in the county's proposed 2016 bond referendum appropriate? If not, how would you have designed the bond proposal differently?

Commissioner Candidates Share Positions with Local NAACP

Last night, I attended the Chapel Hill - Carrboro NAACP forum for county commissioner candidates, where all nine candidates for four seats were in attendance. Candidates answered a variety of questions on everything from the upcoming bond referendum to affordable housing to charter schools. In case you missed it, here's a recap of the coverage of the event on Twitter, which I live-tweeted via @OrangePolitics. Thanks to Editor Emeritus Damon Seils for providing some excellent color commentary on the night.

The Candidates Respond: Why Are People Poor?

We asked the nine candidates for Orange County Board of Commissioners to answer five questions, and all provided responses. On each the next five Mondays, we will post the responses to one question. We begin today with the first question: Why are people poor? What tools or programs is the county using and/or should the county use to address poverty?



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