The Candidates Respond: Orange County School Board

Five candidates are running for the Orange County Board of Education in the upcoming election on March 15th. Unlike the several primary election items on the ballot, the school board race is a nonpartisan general election. The winners will take office in June.

  • Full 4-year term (3 seats): Stephen H. Halkiotis, Tony McKnight, Matthew Roberts
  • Unexpired 2-year term (1 seat): John D. Hamilton, Michael H. Hood

OrangePolitics asked the candidates to answer five questions. The responses from four of the candidates are provided below. Candidate Matthew Roberts did not respond.

What Are Your Hopes For Our Community?

[Cross-posted from the Chapel Hill News]

We’re fortunate to live in a community with many resources and services. That’s a large part of what makes southern Orange County so appealing to newcomers, and so hard for natives and Carolina graduates to leave.

But our community isn’t perfect. We don’t have it all. The way we live is changing, and so our community and the things we want to see in it have to change, too. How we currently live and how people will live in 50 years are sure to be different. It’s important that we keep this evolution in mind in making decisions now that shape our community later.

We should start today to identify what’s missing in our community. For example, community conversations have already identified a desire for things like an arts district, more robust public transit options, more green space, housing options that are affordable for everyone, retail choices that don’t require driving to Durham, and commercial space to support microenterprises and makers.

Sierra Club Endorses in Orange County Board of Commissioners Races

The Sierra Club has issued its endorsements in the 2016 primary election. The endorsed candidates are:

  • At Large: Mark Marcoplos
  • District 1: Mark Dorosin, Penny Rich
  • District 2: Renee Price

Orange County School Board Gets Two New Members, For Now

The Orange County Schools Board of Education has appointed Millicent Rainey and Jessica Aguilar to fill vacancies on the board. Both will serve until June, to be replaced by winners of the March 15th election.

Millicent RaineyJessica Aguilar


Get Involved with Open Government in the Triangle

It's time to start thinking about how to get the western edge of the Triangle more involved in the growing community of open government events taking place this year. As a past attendee of several of these events, I wanted to make sure these upcoming events are on your radar, and ask you to get involved in the growing collaboration between civically minded citizens and the fast-growing local tech sector.



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