Hillsborough photos and more on Friday

This looks interesting:

Hillsborough's people and stories will be showcased in a photo documentary to be presented Friday during the year's first Last Friday.

A sampling of photographs will be exhibited on the sidewalk outside Orange County Courthouse, beginning at 6 p.m. at the downtown arts event. At 7:30 p.m., a narrated slideshow presentation will be given inside the county building at 110 E. King St., where the Economic Development Commission and Board of Elections offices are housed.

The documentary is 14 individual stories documented by undergraduate students in a class called Small Town USA at Duke's Center for Documentary Studies. The students toured the town in January with Mayor Tom Stevens and with Cathleen Turner, executive director of the Alliance for Historic Hillsborough.

- Hillsborough press release

Also in Hillsborough on Friday:

• Stop by the Coldwell Banker office at 114 W. King Street between 6-8pm to learn more about CPR, heart attacks, strokes and have a free blood pressure reading.

Bolin Creek Greenway expansion

You may remember last fall when I moved about 1/2 a mile north from my old home downtown and suddenly found myself feeling like I was miles away from town. For the thousand or so people like me who live near Umstead Drive, Village Drive, and Estes Drive Extension, the only way to walk downtown involves a 2-mile hike up MLK Boulevard or a cut through the woods around Estes Park Apartments to Pleasant Drive in Carrboro.

Well, the Town of Chapel Hill was two steps ahead of me and was already planning an extension of the Bolin Creek Greenway that would connect Umstead Park and our neighborhood to Northside (which is just across the creek), the future Carolina North campus, and MLK Blvd. Importantly, this extension will also connect my old neighbors in Northside to University Mall (the Greenway's eastern terminus).

Carrboro Environmental Advisory Board

The Carrboro Environmental Advisory Board is looking for applications for Carrboro residents interested in serving the town. A link to apply is here http://www.ci.carrboro.nc.us/AdvBoards/advbrdapp.htm. Generally, the Environmental Advisory Board will:

Meekest media in the state?

They've done it again. See this OP post from 2004 for the entire story of how WUNC refused to read an underwriting message because it contained the controversial term "reproductive rights." Now they have changed the word "rally" to "event" to appease the scary FCC bogey man that lurks in their closet.

WCHL's 2007 Forum

News Talk 1360 WCHL presents its 2007 Chapel Hill-Carrboro-Orange County Forum, Wednesday, April 18th, from 8 am til 6pm.

It's 10 hours we set aside for community discussion on important issues. In past years, we've tackled 10 topics during the day, with an hour devoted to each, but this year, there are 5 topics of discussion, with 2 hours each. Our topics are Town-Gown Relations, the Price of an Unsustainable Economy, Crime and Safety, Education, and the Arts.



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