Carrboro Citizen Arrives

We got a Carrboro Citizen newspaper on our doorstep yesterday evening. It's really nice to have it delivered for free. ESPECIALLY when it doesn't sit rotting in our parking space like the Chapel Hill News.

This Citizen's paper design reminds me of my Grandparent's home town paper The Hickory Daily Record. I think its because its small, full of local ads, and beautifully less sophisticated. I remember the Hickory paper having some sans serif fonts in the 80's. More sans serif fonts Carrboro Citizen. PLEASE. Très modern!

Poverty Awareness Week at UNC

N.C. NAACP President Reverend William Barber II will be speaking at the University of North Carolina on Friday, March 23 in a culmination of "Poverty Awareness Week."

The event, held in the Campus Y Ballroom at 11 a.m., will address the issues of poverty and their relation to social justice and race. It will be followed by presentations by local agencies about the opportunities to volunteer and aid in ending homelessness. Participating agencies include but are not limited to:
- Neighbor House
- Teens Climb High
- Joblinks
- Triangle Youth Services (drop-in center on Franklin St.)
- Women's Center
- Family Violence Prevention Center
- Orange Co. Rape Crisis Center
- Hidden Voices

New Findings, Meeting on Fire Violations at Shearon Harris

Elected officials have questions about risks, why Harris wants years to comply with safety rules

What: A public meeting hosted by NC Senators Ellie Kinnaird and Janet Cowell

When: Thursday, March 22nd, 7 pm

Where: The Barn at Fearrington Village (15-501, between Pittsboro & Chapel Hill)

Participants: Officials from various local, state and federal jurisdictions.

David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists
Paul Gunter, Nuclear Information and Research Service
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (declined 3/19)
Progress Energy (invited)

The Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant has increased its risk of a radiation disaster by violating federal fire safety regulations for 14 years – after promising for years to correct all vulnerabilities. The meeting will deal with new information regarding legal action by public interest groups demanding the NRC enforce its rules on fire safety. Key issues include:

Walkout on the war

The UNC chapter of Students for Democratic Society* is calling for a campus-wide walkout today to protest the ongoing disaster in Iraq. If I was a student (or just on campus) I would be there!


On March 20th, students at UNC-Chapel Hill will join thousands of other students on 69 college campuses in walking out of class in order to mark the 4th anniversary of the war on Iraq. At noon, students will leave their classes and come together in the Pit for a short rally and march. This event will feature spoken word performances by members of the Black Student Movement as well as the musical stylings of samba group Cackalack Thunder.

WHAT: Walkout, rally, march!
WHERE: The Pit, next to the Student Union
WHEN: Gather at noon
WHY: There's a war going on!
- Walkout Against the War! | UNC Chapel Hill SDS, 3/19/07

Chapel Hill police violate town immigration policy... Again

I just learned from the blog of Town Council Member Mark Kleinschmidt that the Chapel Hill police have detained yet another local resident on a federal immigration warrant. Isn't this exactly what the Town's policy prohibits? After the wrongful detention and eventual release of Sima Fallahi, the Police Chief assured the Council that our local officers would no longer be acting on civic immigration warrants.



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