Pundit of the year

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The survey will close and aggregated results will be available here at 7:30 pm Tuesday (when the polls close). Send this link to your friends so they can make their own predictions: http://surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=34521489910
The Pundit of the Year will be announced within a week of the final election results.

Pundit of the year

Thanks for playing the 2005 Election Prediction Contest!
Click here to see the aggregated results of everyone's opinions.
The survey will close and aggregated results will be available here at 7:30 pm Tuesday (when the polls close). Send this link to your friends so they can make their own predictions: http://surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=34521489910
The Pundit of the Year will be announced within a week of the final election results.

Pundit of the year

Thanks for playing the 2005 Election Prediction Contest!
Click here to see the aggregated results of everyone's opinions.
The survey will close and aggregated results will be available here at 7:30 pm Tuesday (when the polls close). Send this link to your friends so they can make their own predictions: http://surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=34521489910
The Pundit of the Year will be announced within a week of the final election results.

The Republican candidate(s?)

So I noticed that the elusive mayoral challenger Kevin Wolff suddenly has a number of yard signs around town. Then I got this e-mail from a friend:

Kevin Wolff got signs, and they're popping up everywhere. I didn't think he'd bother - he hasn't done much so far. But also, I got my Orange County Republican Party Newsletter today... and they included a link to Wolff's website: http://hometown.aol.com/kwolffmayor/myhomepage/

And Ginny recently posted this message from the College Republicans listserve:

The Spirit of Campaign Contribution Limits: a bit of history

In today's Chapel Hill Herald, Ed Harrison defends his acceptance of $1400 in campaign contributions from his parents by saying:

"Neither my parents nor I are interested in flouting the spirit of the [limit]"

Both Jason Baker and Laurin Easthom made reference to this "spirit" in explaining why they have not accepted such large contributions and, in Jason's case, object to Ed doing so.

Given Harrison's long association with the Sierra Club, one might expect him to know that, in 1995, the Sierra Club along with the Orange County Greens initiated a program of voluntary contribution limits. They asked Chapel Hill and Carrboro candidates that year to accept no more than $100 from any individual or PAC. Since that was a voluntary limit, there were no exceptions such as those provide for under state law. 10 of 18 candidates took the pledge. Several others expressed agreement with it in part.



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