Carrboro election: maps and graphs

The maps below show the percentages of votes by precinct garnered by each candidate for the Carrboro Board of Aldermen.

Pundits of the Year

I am pleased to announce the 2005 Pundits of the Year! These four people got all of the winners correct in every race: Joan Petit, Carrboro Mark Marcoplos, Orange County Fred Black, Chapel Hill Anon (initials R. S. - not me!) Fred also came closest on the order of finishers. Honorable mention for Charlotte Williams, she was the only pundit who got the exact right order for the Town Council winners. Twenty-four people got the winners in the right order in the Carrboro Board of Aldermen race. Congrats, y'all!

Election results graph

Guest Post/Cross-posted by Xan Gregg
Orange Country provides timely online election results, and their HTML is friendly enough that is can be imported into JMP. Below is a graph I came up to show the Chapel Hill town council results by precinct. Precincts, along the horizontal axis, are sorted by number of total votes. [Click graph to see full resolution version.]

I’m thinking there’s a better graph using area, but this overlay is the best I can do easily. At least it shows a few interesting pieces of information:

Wal-Mart is coming!

Just kidding, it's actually the movie "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" playing all over the Triangle this weekend. Lot's more great info on this from the Facing South (the wonderful blog of the Institute for Southern Studies, which you all should read).

In Chapel Hill, it will be shown at the Community Church on Sunday 11/13 at 1pm and Thursday 11/17 at 7:15 pm. Here's a complete list of Triangle screenings.

Meet the bloggers

Blogging isn't just a faceless virtual activity reserved for geeks. All kinds of bloggers actually meet in person the old fashioned way. These get-togethers known as Blogger Meetups can be a safe and fun way to meet the people who live near you. And no it really isn't a new dating scene. :)

Before I went to the Triangle Bloggers Conference last year I only knew a few people in Chapel Hill. But now thanks to Anton Zuiker a.k.a. MisterSugar, the conference organizer, several neighbors meet every other week. These folks have become a very important part of my local community. Their blogs have become an important way for me to stay in touch and learn new things from them. (See for details.)



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