Happy Friday! Here are a few articles from the OP Editors that we found interesting this week:
Next Monday, the words "Confederate Memorial" on the façade of the Orange County Historical Museum may move one step closer to being removed.
The Hillsborough Board of Commissioners next meets at 7 p.m. July 13 in the Whitted Human Services Center.
The agenda is available now on the town website and includes various items, including a discussion and possible action on the “Confederate Memorial” lettering on the exterior of the building located at 201 N. Churton St.
It seems likely that the, should the town decide to act on town manager Eric Peterson's recommended, a Certificate of Appropriateness may first need to be obtained from the Historic District Commission.
For background, see these articles from last month:
This week's Indy Week features this article, documenting how affordable housing, parks, and senior services have so far been left out of the proposed 2016 Orange County bond referendum.
When Orange County commissioners approved plans this year for a $125 million school bond vote in 2016, it passed with little public input, scant public outreach and one absent county commissioner. Now some county residents are calling for commissioners to reconsider their priorities, particularly their decision to exclude public-housing funding from the deal.
At this point, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, in a 4 to 2 votes, voted to only include funds for schools that will go before the voters in 2016.
Yesterday was a memorable day. My wife Linda and I went to Hillsborough and I formally filed for the Chapel Hill Town Council. I’m in the race!
I am truly excited about the campaign ahead. I intend to use it as an opportunity to meet and speak with as many Chapel Hill residents as I can. I want to learn firsthand what my fellow Chapel Hillians’ visions for our Town are. What they see as the opportunities we can take advantage of and what they see as the challenges that we need to address. And what they expect from those who serve them on the Council.
I am also looking forward to the various public forums -- including OP's -- at which I and the other candidates can share our views for our Town’s future and have full and frank discussions about why each of us should have voters support.
Please go to my web site (www.parker4ch.com) and share your thoughts with me. Let me know what’s on your mind. Thank you.
Improvements and extensions to Bolin Creek Greenway have been in the works for years, and as Phase III of the project gets underway, the Town of Chapel Hill has released an interactive story map that will allow folks to track the project's progress.
I've embedded the map below, and you can check out a larger version of it on the town's website.
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