Locals Honored by Independent

While the folks off Rogers Road are arguing over whose values they prefer, Carrboro's or Chapel Hill's, The Independent Weekly has honored one from each town with a 2004 Citizen Award.

Chapel Hill's Peggy Misch was honored for her work in defense of the Bill of Rights. Carrboro's Pete MacDowell was honored for his in defense of democracy.

Congratulations to Peggy and Pete for these well-deserved awards.

Friday is Buy Nothing Day

An important announcment from our friends at Internationalist Books & Community Center:

Wondering what to do with your family after you make leftover turkey or tofurkey sandwiches? Want to avoid the crazy shopping crowds? Tired of the hyped-up holiday hooha?

Why not try Buy Nothing Day! Join us for a day free of consumer spending at Internationalist Books & Community Center.
When: Friday, November 26th, 12-5pm
Where: 405 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC

What's going on?
Free food and free swap all day! Around 2pm- Poetry hour Block printing workshop — make your own greeting cards! Fun, friends & fellowship!

Chatham growth and quality of life

Chapel Hill Herald, Saturday, November 20, 2004
Final Edition, Editorial Section, Page 2

For advocates of controlled growth, Election Day brought some good news. The water extension bond was narrowly defeated in northeast Chatham County. This, coupled with the election of two commission candidates backed by the Chatham Coalition, indicates a tenuous but real change of direction for Chatham.

Sonny Keisler, president of Friends of Rocky River and a longtime developer, told The Independent's Jennifer Strom, "Water lines are a double-edged sword. They can do a lot of good but they can also do a lot of harm."

Given the frantic insistence on growth of the current majority on the county commission, northeast Chatham residents have done well to put the brakes on water-line extension.

The Chatham water situation brought to mind Carl Hiaasen's novels of development politics in south Florida. Hiaasen's stories usually involve corrupt officials, ruthless developers, ethically challenged investors, detectives who'd rather be fishing, slobbery dogs and murder.

Don't Miss This Film!

The award-winning documentary "The Corporation" will be playing for free this Sunday, Nov. 21 at 7pm in Hanes Arts Center auditorium on UNC's Campus.

Can We End Homelessness? continued

There were a lot of people at the End Homelessness Roundtable this morning, enough to make a serious effort to organize more effective ways to provide appropriate levels of housing and services for those in need. One point that stuck with me was that our inability to provide comprehensive services for the chronically homeless in a coherent fashion is very expensive, probably costly enough to pay for a good program if we could focus the resources appropriately.



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