More help wanted... Carrboro will be looking for a new representative to the OWASA (Orange Water & Sewer Authority) board, after a member resigned citing internal political motives on the board. This key institution has a huge impact on our local environment, and it is governed by representatives of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Orange County.
John Smith, a member of the board for more than five years, also warned the Carrboro aldermen in his resignation letter to be more vigilant about the decisions and deliberations of the utility's board.
"In my opinion, the Board has become increasingly political," Smith wrote in his letter, dated Oct. 28. "At times, decisions appear to be made more on a basis of personality and personal alliances than from thoughtful, informed consideration." - Chapel Hill Herald, 11/12/04
The Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools website reports as follows:
Applications to Fill School Board Vacancy Due Nov. 19
Valerie Foushee formally resigned from the Board of Education Nov. 4 after she was elected Nov. 2 to serve on the Orange County Board of County Commissioners. Foushee has served on the school board for seven years. Her term will expire in 2005.
The board has announced plans to advertise the opening and will conduct an orientation session for potential candidates on Nov. 11 at 3 p.m. at Lincoln Center.
Applications are due Nov. 19 by 5 p.m. to the Superintendent's Office. The timeline and application forms are available on the school system's website at:
Board members will interview candidates at a special meeting on Nov. 29 and select a replacement on Dec. 2. The new board member will be sworn into office on Dec. 16 to complete Foushee's unexpired term. Next School Board Discussion on High School Schedules Slated for Nov. 18
Kudos to Sally Greene for bringing to Chapel Hill's attention to national efforts to end homelessness. And also to Kevin Foy and the rest of the Council for responding with a community roundtable scheduled for Thursday, November 18. Details can be found in today's Chapel Hill Herald or on the town web site.
The Carrboro Aldermen have declined to participate because of the choice of a weekday for the meeting. It is indeed bad planning to hold such an event when the working homeless themselves can not attend. (This is particularly egregious coming right on top of Chapel Hill's holding the Airport Road Renaming committee meeting all day on a Friday.)
Here's what I wrote on ending homelessness in the August 28 Herald:
From: Chapel Hill Herald, Saturday, November 06, 2004
Final Edition, Editorial Section, Page 2
When faced with big losses, we on the left almost reflexively recall the words of Joe Hill as he faced his execution in 1915: "Don't mourn. Organize."
But just as certainly as there is never a time to stop organizing, there are also times when mourning is appropriate. Hill's radical compatriots in the Wobblies may have smiled at his words, but they were heart-broken by his death nonetheless.
Similarly, when tens of thousands make a historic effort for a narrowly lost cause, especially when the stakes are great, a certain sadness is in order.
The stakes in the 2004 election were particularly high if you are of low or modest means, a person of color, a gay man or lesbian woman, a woman of reproductive age, or, in fact, any creature who must make its home in the increasingly fragile habitat of planet Earth.
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