If you don't know me that well, you might be surprised to learn that I am one of the happiest people in town to witness the long-awaited opening of the free-standing Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History at UNC. It's future existence was the primary purpose of my day-to-day existence during my last two years of college. As a member of the Student Coalition for a Free-Standing Sonja Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center, I organized marches, spoke at rallies, met with administrators, slept in South Building, and wrote flyers, press releases, and site analysis reports. I dedicated myself to helping the University community understand the compelling need for this institution.
... it's a mixed-use project, combining offices and residential condominiums, called simply "605 West Main Street." Technically, it's a three-story building, the maximum allowed in the B-1(g) [Carrboro] zoning district in which it is located. In actuality, though, the building will stand four stories tall; the entire ground floor will serve as a parking level. - Chapel Hill News, 7/12/04
I'd have to agree with Alex Zaffron that parking is not as good a use of the ground floor as retail. But what's really remarkable is the lack of an outcry against this building. It appears (at least from the skeleton) to be a break from tradition - and that's not a bad thing. The only complaint from a neighbor the reporter could find was that it's being built "too close to the street."
Have you seen it? Is it a visionary step forward or an out-of-place behemoth?
The Hank Anderson Breakfast Club has issued endorsements in the County Commissioner race. I must commend them on their good taste - they picked the same pair I have been favoring: Moses Carey and Valerie Foushee.
(FYI: I am a member of the Breakfast Club, but I haven't attended in many months and was not involved in the endorsement process. Just so you don't think I'm referring to myself in the third person or something.)
Guest Post by Terri Buckner
The Chapel Hill Libraries and town manager, Cal Horton, are at odds about the value of internet filters.
The Children's Internet Protection Act, upheld by the Supreme Court a year ago, requires libraries to install filters or lose federal money.
We don't think filtering works very well," said Robert Schriner, library board chairman. "We don't think it does the job, and it basically interferes with getting access to real sites. It has been shown to filter out sites that are perfectly legitimate."
... Town Manager Cal Horton, on the other hand, will recommend to the town council that some computers with filtering turned on must be made available through the library. "Parents could choose whether they want their children to have filtered or unfiltered Internet sessions."
"We see it as a service," Horton said. "We know that filters are imperfect mechanisms, but we see this as providing a service."- News & Observer, 6/24/04
To filter or not to filter....what do you think?
OK, well almost. WCOM is on the air, but without any programming yet. I think this could be a great asset to our community, but there's a lot of work to be done if it's going to happen. And so far the organization is unproven.
What kind of programming would y'all like to hear on WCOM? Some people have suggested some kind of OrangePolitics talk show where we would discuss the latest issues that are on the website and interview local public figures. What do you think?
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