Suffer the little billionaires

Consider the plight of the fabulously rich....

Planning Bored

I was asked to share this gem from last's night's Planning Board meeting with you. Phil Szostak is an architect who is developing an addition for Olin T. Binkley Baptist Church. Binkley is a leading progressive institution in this community and is also very prominently located next to University Mall on The Bypass. So I found it very amusing that Phil kept claiming "we're just a little church." If that's so, then UNC is a community college, OK?

Caucus Primer

Guest Post by Gerry Cohen


Due to snags in approval of North Carolina's legislative redistricting plan and a Democratic National Committee requirement that delegate selection be finished by early June, the North Carolina Democratic Party has established caucuses to determine candidate preferences from North Carolina in time for the Democratic National Convention in July. North Carolina's 20 at-large delegates will be allocated proportionately to any candidate getting at least 15% of the caucus vote statewide, and the same 15% rule will apply in each congressional district, where from four to six delegates will be elected. (The Fourth District - including all of Durham and Orange, north Chatham, and western Wake - is the only district getting six delegates.)

Zero Tolerance for Intolerance

Just when we think we're so enlightened around here, a bunch of teenagers assault a Sikh man because they think he looks like Osama Bin Laden. In fact the kids were so stupid that in addition to the assault charges, one of them got busted for possession of marijuana and intent to sell crack. Not our community's finest, I must say.

Gagandeep Bindra, who has a short beard, brown skin and wears a Patka, a scarf wrapped around his hair, said that it is not uncommon for people to call him and others with brown skin Osama bin Laden or a terrorist.

"This is like a normal occurrence after 9/11," Bindra said Friday. "Every night when I go out to Franklin Street, someone shouts out bin Laden.... They think anybody brown is Middle Eastern. Anybody brown is a terrorist."

The way people treated him after 9/11 changed, he said, but he expected he would be safe in a college community.

Readers Digest

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The list is announce-only, which means that no-one can post to it but the Editors of the site, and there will be no replies or discussion. You will only hear from us once a week and your name will not be shared with anyone else.

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