In light of national struggles with policing methods, enforcement and militarization, both Chapel Hill and Carrboro police departments hosted sessions for community members to voice their potential concerns directly to Chapel Hill Police Chief Blue Oct. 4 and Carrboro Chief Horton Oct. 5. The two forums revealed underlying issues in each community, with Carrboro’s discussion especially distinct in the way it gravitated toward racial profiling issues.
Early voting starts week! Don’t forget out there and let you voice be heard.
While both school boards and the Hillsborough Town Board, the County Commissioners will consider operational changes at the Community Home Trust and endorsing staff recommendations for new bus service in the central and rural parts of the county. The Carrboro Alderfolks will schedule a public hearing on the Lloyd Farm Conditional Use Permit and the Chapel Hill Town Council will review a number of development proposals.
Throughout the week, Chapel Hill Transit will hold public input meetings on the North-South Corridor.
Here’s the full summary:
This announcement about bike and ped safety was posted by the town of Chapel Hill this weekend. Unfortunately recently there was another cyclist fatality near MLK and Hillsborough. This occurred where I was hit by a car while biking to work a decade ago. One suggestion I had back then was to have the reminder sign about" sharing the road with cyclist" be moved from uphill going towards downtown to place it going downhill closer to the corner gas station. I was told several times this was going to happen but it was never done. The chronic problem of warning signs being hidden by vegetation needs to be addressed. I know that the sign in that area was hidden by vegetation. It sounds from this memo that more attention will be given to this. When I ran for town council this is one of the things I meant by the town being more proactive rather than complaint driven. (Don't wait for someone to complain that a sign is hidden, have bus drivers or other employees notice and report it.) Having visible to drivers signs showing where a bike or greenway trail feeds into a street is a great idea and I hope the sign for the Bolin Creek Greenway and MLK is placed there quickly.
It’s another busy week for Orange County’s public bodies. The Carrboro Alderfolks will consider a new mixed-use zoning classification, while their Chapel Hill counterpart will take action on making the Rogers Road area part of the ETJ. The Hillsborough Town Board will consider its noise ordinance, while the county commissioners will hold a work session cover community centers, water and more before holding a wide-ranging joint meeting with Carrboro on everything from solid waste to transit to the new southern branch library.
RENA and neighbors from across Rogers Road hope to gain the support of the Town Council to move forward with the enactment of the ETJ for the purpose of contributing toward the cost of the sewer infrastructure, in accordance with the recommendations of the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force.
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