Happy Election Day! Polls are open from now until 7:30pm. If you're out voting today, what are you seeing at your polling place? If you're working a polling site, how's turnout looking where you are?
Tuesday is Election Day. Don’t forget to go vote if you haven’t taken advantage of early voting during the past couple weeks. You can find your polling place on the state Board of Elections website.
Partially because of the elections, the Hillsborough Town Board, Carrboro Alderfolks and county School Board will all be on break this week. The Chapel Hill Town Council will be on Obey Creek and hold a work session on a yet-to-be announced topic. The Chapel-Hill Carrboro School Board will also consider the superintendent’s review state school boards association agenda and the county commissioners will get some preliminary information on financing major projects and equipment purchases.
Here’s the full summary:
There is no meeting this week.
Recently, the Orange County Health Department launched plans for the Family Success Alliance, modeled after the success of the Harlem Children’s Zone.
With its inception as the Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families in 1970, the Harlem Children’s Zone aims to disrupt generational poverty with a holistic, long-term approach providing education and support from early childhood through college, supportive services to families to prevent homelessness, and health services including obesity prevention. Serving over 13,000 children and 13,000 adults in 97 blocks of Central Harlem, the engaged children (70% in the served blocks) have a 92% college acceptance rate, 100% of pre-K participants are assessed as school ready, and the 800 local employees fuel economic growth. The Harlem Children’s Zone also serves as the Model for President Obama’s Promise Neighborhood Initiative that has awarded 58 grants to communities across the country to implement similar programs.
At its meeting last night, the Chapel Hill Town Council voted unanimously to approve three developments: the Graduate, an apartment complex targeted to graduate students to be located behind the Franklin Hotel between Mallette and Kenan Streets; the Courtyards of Homestead, an age-restricted, single-family home development to be built off of Homestead Road; and New Life Fellowship, a church to be built between Sage and Weaver Dairy Roads.
In case you haven't heard, this year's general election ballot includes a referendum on a constitutional amendment allowing defendants charged with all but the most serious felonies to waive their right to a jury trial, and have a judge decide whether they are guilty or innocent instead. Forty-nine other states and the federal government allow criminal defendants to opt for bench trials.
Since coverage of the amendment has been fairly low-key, here are two views on whether to vote for or against amednment to help you decide.
The Independent Weekly supports the proposed amendment:
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