Chapel Hill has all the fun - at least in 2013 municipal races

In spite of the Orange County Board of Elections best attempts to stop anyone from doing this (see original PDF) I have copied the list of candiates and reformatted it into a vaguely readable list. If possible I will clean this up in a few days.

Most of these candidates will be joining us at our annual Candidate Coming Out Party today at 5:30 pm in downtown Chapel Hill, and I hope you will join us too. See all the details and RSVP on Facebook.

The Chapel Hill Town Council race will be where the party is. There are 10 candiates running for four seats, and only two incumbents.I expect the challengers have some pretty smart and interesting things to say, and some of them even have experience with local issues. For some voters, there are will be hard decisions, for some there will be clear favorites.

It's also very interesting that both our incumbent Hillsborough and Chapel Hill mayors and the unofficially-annointed challenger in Carrboro will all be running unopposed. When Lydia Lavelle takes office in December, I belive that we might be the only county in the nation with two openly-gay mayors! (Can someone fact-check me on that?)

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board, Carrboro Board of Aldermen, and Hillsborough Board of Town Commissioners also mustered more candidates than seats so there will be competitive races there.

bike survey

 I just completed the Chapel Hill Bike Survey. Here is the link. 

Advisory board restructuring input sessions provide a new way to have your voice heard

The Chapel Hill Town Council is moving forward with its advisory board restructuring process. As I described in an earlier post, the first stage of this process deals with creating a new advisory boards to oversee development review. Starting tomorrow (July 8) at 6:30PM, and continuing for the following five Mondays, there will be public input sessions at the Chapel Hill Public Library. The first session will describe what the input on this process will look like, and the next five meetings will focus on a specific board:

  • Transportation and Connectivity (July 15)

  • Community Design (July 22)

  • Environmental Stewardship (July 29)

  • Community Housing (August 5)

  • a restructured Planning Board (August 12)

Candidate Filing Starts Today

Board of Elections - Welcome!

Filing begins today at noon and closes in exactly two weeks. Races include Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of EducationMebane Mayor and City CouncilHillsborough Mayor and Town BoardCarrboro Mayor and Board of Alderpeople, and Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council.

There has already been a lot of discussion about candidates, and I think this will be a particularly interesting year. We'll have an opportunity to meet many of the candidates in person at The OP Posse's third annual Candidate Coming Out Party.

Please use this open thread to post updates as you learn about new candidates. We'll be watching candidate filings here on the Orange County Board of Elections web page.

OP Candidate Coming Out Party

Join us for OrangePolitics' third annual Candidate Coming Out Party to meet your candidates on the final day of filing for municipal and school board races! 

These events have been very popular with current and hopeful elected officials, and this is a great way to find out who is running and ask them why. 

The official Facebook event to RSVP and share with friends is below.


Friday, July 19, 2013 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm


TRU DELI + WINE, 114 Henderson St., Chapel Hill,



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