Rogers Road Task Force Work Slowed by EPA Complaint

The Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force continues its work but has a new barrier to contend with that may preclude the Orange County Board of Commissioners from taking action. As reported in this story by Chapelboro, an EPA complaint filed by the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association in 2007 alleges the Orange County Planning and Inspections Department (OCPID) "intentionally discriminated on the basis of race by denying water and sewer service to the African American residents of the Rogers Road Community." The full letter from the EPA to the OCPID can be read here.

At the recent task force meeting held on July 17, 2013, Board of Commissioners representatives Renee Price and Penny Rich abstained from several votes on recommendations of what to include in the task force's final report, citing the EPA complaint.

How will local officials step up to the challenge from Raleigh Republicans?

A recent column by Kirk Ross in the Chapel Hill News makes very clear how increasingly relevant the N.C. General Assembly's shenanigans are to us here at the local level. In the past, many have debated the utility of municipal and county governments weighing in with symbolic resoluitions about state and national issues. Well pardon my French, but sh*t just got real in Raleigh this summer. 

Enforcing the Smoking Ban

Last week, Chapelboro's Elizabeth Friend took a look into how Orange County agencies are (not) enforcing the countywide smoking ban (PDF) enacted by the Orange County Board of Health last October. I think this piece raises a few concerns worth discussion. For context, the ban officially took effect on January 1, 2013, but enforcement measures were not scheduled to begin until a few weeks ago on July 1.

I was happy to see the county enact a smoking ban back in October. This policy decision to promote better public health for all of Orange County's citizens is one that should be applauded -- I just wish the enforcement efforts were worthy of applause, too.

Announcing the 2013 OP Online Candidate Forums

The editors of OrangePolitics are excited to announce our live online candidate forums for the upcoming elections for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, the Chapel Hill Town Council, and the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners.

We are also excited to host an informal Conversation With the Mayors, which will include the candidates in all three of the county’s uncontested mayoral races. 

More garbage from ALEC - HB 74 prohibits local government from making contractors have living wage policy

Just one more thing, I know, but this hits close to home for me from my past Justice United work and the great cooperation we received from governments in OC.
SECTION 5.(a) G.S. 153A‑449 reads as rewritten: "§ 153A‑449. Contracts with private entities. A county may contract with and appropriate money to any person, association, or corporation, in order to carry out any public purpose that the county is authorized by law to engage in. A county may not require a private contractor under this section to abide by any restriction that the county could not impose on all employers in the county, such as paying minimum wage or providing paid sick leave to its employees, as a condition of bidding on a contract."
SECTION 5.(b) G.S. 160A‑20.1 reads as rewritten: "§ 160A‑20.1. Contracts with private entities.



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