Protect & Serve

Many of us were very disturbed by the Yates Building incident in Chapel Hill last year and wondered how the police were trained to deal with public events and demonstrations. How do the police do arrests? What crime and other public safety issues do we have in Chapel Hill? Well, here's a chance for you to find out how our officers are trained and what they do.  

For the last year I've been working with the Community Policing Advisory Committee and the Chapel Hill Police Department to dramatically revamp its Citizen's Police Academy. The new Academy will give participants an inside look at the police department and its work. You'll get to operate a simulator and see what it's like to respond to a domestic call that turns violent, sit in a squad car, watch the SERT and K9 teams in action, and talk to the Chief of Police about tough issues. Along the way you'll learn about the Department's work, how you can help make a safer community and much more. Participation will involve attending one evening session on April 24 or 25 as well as an afternoon session on Sun. April 28.

A Community Conversation- Affordable Housing & Transit-Oriented Development

Triangle Transit and local governments have heard from residents and community groups that it is important to make sure that housing opportunities for residents at many different income levels exist in neighborhoods along the proposed Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit (DOLRT) corridor.

We have heard this concern and will be hosting a Community Conversation with local urban planning researchers and staff from the NC Justice Center about Transit-Oriented Development and Affordable Housing on Friday, March 15th, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Durham City Hall Committee Room.

The event will include about 45-60 minutes of presentations of recent research on affordable housing and transit, followed by 90 minutes for community members to ask questions, make comments, and have a broad discussion on this topic.

City of Durham and Town of Chapel Hill staff will be available to contribute to discussions of specific issues in each community.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Key Event Details:

WHAT: A Community Conversation- Affordable Housing & Transit-Oriented Development

WHERE: Durham City Hall Committee Room, 2nd Floor. 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC

WHEN: March 15th, 2013 - 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM


ACCESS: City Hall is located two blocks north of the intersection of Main St and Mangum St. The area can be best reached by bus using the DATA 2,3,9, and 16 routes, as well as the Bull City Connector. Durham Station is about a 10 minute walk away. Parking is available in the Chapel Hill St Deck directly across the street from City Hall.


Friday, March 15, 2013 - 10:00am to 12:30pm


101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC

Town seeking your input about the "Central West Focus Area." This this quick survey now.

Pease calls on Del Snow to resign from Planning Board

As reported by the Herald Sun, Chapel Hill Town Council Member Gene Pease has written Planning Board Chair Del Snow asking her to resign from the Planning Board. In his letter, which can be downloaded from the Town's email archive, he launches a blistering attack on the "responsible growth" advocates in the community, calling them against any growth whatsoever. Interesting, to say the least.

Thank you for epic community service, Chad Johnston

Chad Johnston is the director of Chapel Hill's grassroots public access station The People's Channel. Not many people truly know the scope of the contributions he has made toward democratizing media both in Orange County and in Orange County. Sadly he's leaving us to run a station in a bigger community. The Independent Weekly has a wonderful cover story about him this week, and the public is invited to a potluck to say farewell to Chad tonight at the TPC studio on Elliot Road. If you can't attend in person, you can watch it live on TV!

I highly recommend reading the Indy article which gives a sense of how Chad has gone to bat to protect community media at the state level, as well as the thankless work of building and sustaining capacity for grassroots voices to be heard both in Orange and Durham Counties.



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