Chatham County
Having just read this article ( I do not know how I feel about this issue. On one and Jordan Lake seems to be a rather large body of water. So, why not tap into it?
On the other hand, it is a fixed source of water and as I look around I see many people and institutions waste this precious resource (water). Let's use the water that we have responsibly first. Then, when we need more, tap into other sources. I am leaning towards this idea.
Sustainable Transportation: A Future Worth Creating.
Erb is an automotive engineer who has designed electric and hybrid
electric vehicles, as well as vehicles using gasoline, diesel,
biodiesel, alcohol, and natural gas power trains. An active auto racer
with engineering and business degrees, he will share his excellent
information and experience, his deep commitment to the environment, and
his understanding of its impact on social justice. Come and learn
about the energy balance of all kinds of biofuels, some alternatives to
biofuels, what fuels NASCAR, and more: The Multipurpose Room of
Building 2 at Central Carolina Community College. Sustainable
Sustenance (i.e., organic refreshments). May 14 at 7 p.m.
Co-sponsored by Chatham Alliance for Sustainable Energy
See Building B on this map:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
764 West Street, Pittsboro, NC

The closest you can get to Chapel Hill and Carrboro while still
being in Chatham County is Starpoint. The intersection of Smith Level
Road and 15-501 is at the county line. Starpoint is also the proposed
location of a new Wal-Mart.
Elected officials in Chapel Hill and Carrboro have already asked
Chatham County to allow them to conduct a courtesy review. This would
allow them to formally have input, although it is not binding.
According to the News & Observer "This
is the first I've heard about that," Morgan said when asked about
Chapel Hill's plans to request a review. "I didn't know they did that
type of stuff."
Which is exactly why we should be very worried.
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