I voted at the Planetarium (2d floor this time) at about 12:30 pm and I was voter 235. There were 12-15 people waiting in line and another 8 to 10 completing their ballots. I saw two people who were registering. Best of all --- most of the voters that I saw fit the college-age demographic!
I don't think I've ever seen this many folks on the first half day! Also, there was plenty of excitement outside with the various campaigns represented. The Obama group had lots of folks working and I saw Kevin Wolff (R) out there campaigning for his wife (D)!
I ran into Julie McClintock today and she gave me a flyer for this event (see below). Here are the basics:
You are invited to a community event at the Daniel Boone Big
Barn, bringing together supporters of Barack Obama on Thursday, April 24, 6 – 9 pm for music and
barbeque. We will provide you with information on getting out the vote for the
May 6 primary.
Advanced tickets only are available. Adult tickets are
$20 and $10 for student or child.

Thursday, April 24, 2008 - 2:00pm
Daniel Boone Big Barn, 357 Ja-Max Drive
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