
Checkpoints & Racial Bias

The INDY also asked about roadblocks/checkpoints and potential racial profiling.  Here are my thoughts on the matter:

If checkpoints are being manipulated to racially profile drivers, then that is a gross misuse of a tool which is a public good and such actions have no place in my administration.  Checkpoints are instituted to keep people from hurting themselves and others, not as an instrument of racial oppression or intimidation.  I would welcome review of the department’s documentation for checkpoints by organizations such as the ACLU because I am committed to justice and transparency. 

Lessons Learned from Trayvon Martin Case


Thursday, September 12, 2013 - 7:30pm to 9:00pm


Chapel Hill Public LIbrary, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill


The other day, Jesse DeConto of the CHN posted a comment on the N&O Blog about a happening in Carrboro. It has drawn almost no response, for obvious reasons I guess.


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