
The annual North Carolina Pride Parade happened today as it has now for many, many years. In addition to the celebration of the diverse community that Pride always represents, there was also a special urgency created by the recent passage of a bill to put the marriage discrimination amendment on the ballot this coming May. This was a moment to both enjoy how far we've come, and organize for the challenges ahead. It was great to see Orange County and UNC so well represented at Pride.
From the HIllsborough Arts Council:
Hillsborough's First Annual Handmade Parade!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
2:30 pm in downtown Hillsborough
"The Waters of The Eno
and her Creatures"
Anyone can join the parade! There's still time, but time is getting short... There's one last puppet making workshop with renowned artist Donovan Zimmerman of Paperhand Puppet Intervention.
You want to join in the fun but couldn't find the time to create an entry for the parade?
We have a variety of magical giant puppets that need your help to bring to life! Just fill out a Registration form today and come early to join in the parade!
But what do we need most?
family and friends ... to come out and enjoy a day of magic on the
streets of Hillsborough. Come and enjoy the spectacle! Then follow the
parade up Churton Street to the finale' at the Historic Burwell School
Saturday, October 11, 2008 - 10:30am
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