OP-NEXT Candidate Coming Out Party on July 19th, 2019

OrangePolitics is teaming up with NEXT Chapel Hill-Carrboro this year to hold our semi-annual Candidate Coming Out Party & Happy Hour.

The event will be on the last day of filing, Friday, July 19th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at The Station, Carrboro (201 East Main Street in Carrboro).

Catering will be from Venable Bistro. The Station is creating a special cocktail for us. Tip your bartender!

Election Information

Here's what we know about Who's Running so far.

Here's the November 2019 Elections Schedule.


In Carrboro, the mayor and 4 alderperson seats are up for election.

  • Voters will elect a mayor to serve a 2-year term for the seat currently held by incumbent Lydia Lavelle.
  • Voters will elect 3 alderpersons to 4-year terms.

Chapel Hill

November 2019 Election Schedule

Hey local politics junkies! The November 5, 2019 Election Schedule is posted! Find it here.

The filing period for Carrboro Board of Alderpersons, Chapel Hill Town Council, Hillsborough Town Board and the Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board is from Friday July 5th at noon until Friday, July 19th at noon.

Check out our post, Local Seats Up for Election in 2019: Who's Running, for information on how many seats are at play and who has already announced her/his candidacy.

Stay tuned for information on our Candidate Coming Out Party & Happy Hour.

Local Seats Up For Election in 2019: Who’s Running

The terms for Mayor of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough are all up this year, as well as seats on Chapel Hill Town Council, Carrboro Board of Alderpersons, Hillsborough Town Board and Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board. Carrboro Mayor Lydia Lavelle, Carrboro Alderperson Damon Seils, and Hillsborough Board Member Matt Hughes have all announced they will be running for election to their current positions. There are challengers for some of the seats up for election; so far they are Tai Huynh (CHTC), Jeff Charles (CHTC) and Susan Romaine (CBOA). See below for more information on who is up for re-election and what we know so far.

DOLRT: What Was Lost

As expected, on Tuesday night the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to discontinue the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit project. After a failure of negotiations, this step formally discontinues the project and begins a process to reallocate the funds that had been allocated to the light rail project through an amended Orange County Transit Plan.

That process will involve lengthy conversations with community members and potential partners. A lot of time and effort, and difficult negotiation lie ahead. For me, it’s time to pause and consider what has been lost.

Alderman Bethany Chaney to Step Down at End of Term on Carrboro Board

Carrboro Alderman Bethany Chaney has announced she will not seek reelection in November 2019. Elected first in a 2014 special election and again in 2015, at the end of her term Chaney will have served five and a half years as Alderman and three as a member of the Carrboro Planning Board, including nearly two as chair.



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