January 2008

UNC's Annual MLK Memorial Banquet

23rd Annual University/Community Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Banquet | 6:00 p.m. | William & Ida B. Friday Center for Continuing Education | map

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Chancy R. Edwards, Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Fayetteville, NC and Senior Advisor to the Governor of North Carolina.

Update: Banquet tickets are now sold out

You are also invited to make contributions to the MLK Scholarship Fund by sending donations to P.O. Box 612, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.


Friday Center

Candlelight Vigil at UNC

Candlelight Vigil | 6:30 p.m. | McCorkle Place, around the Old Well | map

Join us as we light candles and honor of the achievements of Martin Luther King, Jr. with brief speakers and performances.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 1:30pm


UNC McCorkle Place, around the Old Well

"Faces of Change" screening & discussion

Screening and Discussion with Filmmaker: "Faces of Change" | 5:00 p.m. | Room 1015 (Auditorium), Fedex Global Education Center | map

Join filmmaker Michele Stephenson for the North Carolina debut of “Faces of Change," an award-winning documentary following the stories of five activists working to eradicate racism in New Orleans, Mauritania, India, Brazil and Bulgaria. A discussion with the filmmaker will follow the screening.
  • Contact: Ashley Fogle at fogle@unc.edu
  • Sponsors: Carolina Women's Center, Duke Center for Documentary Studies, African Studies Center, Center for Global Initiatives, Curriculum in International and Area Studies, Curriculum in Women’s Studies, University Program in Cultural Studies, Department of African and Afro-American Studies, Department of Asian Studies, Institute for African American Research, Institute for the Study of the Americas and Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 12:00pm


UNC Fedex Global Education Center, Room 1015 (Auditorium)

“I, Too, Sing America” performance

“I, Too, Sing America”: The New Frontier | 7:00 p.m. | Great Hall, Student Union

If we had the opportunity to start all over again, how could our world be different? This performance will help us imagine the possibilities through song, dance and spoken word.


Friday, January 25, 2008 - 2:00pm


UNC Student Union, Great Hall

Marian Wright Edelman speaks at Duke Chapel MLK commemoration

Not an Orange County event, but likely to be of interest to some folks: Marian Wright Edelman, president of the Children’s Defense Fund and civil rights lawyer, will be the keynote speaker at Duke University's 2008 Martin Luther King Jr. celebration.

For more information: http://news.duke.edu/2007/12/edelman.html


Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 10:00am


Duke Chapel, Duke University

owasa precinct

The Democratic Party in the Owasa precinct is getting a new leadership team. More members are needed. Please see our new blog at

Carolina North OP Ed by Etta Pisano

Wow. I don't know if I was the cause of it or if it was already planned, but even without having Mr. Moeser over for coffee, there is a great op-ed in the Chapel Hill News. (Source Here)

I credit her for speaking eloquently about the need for this development from a personal and professional level. In a way, this seems similar to Councilman Matt Czajkowski's call for more development to support Chapel Hill. As a parent, who wants involved professors teaching my kids, I understand her plea for a place to work near her research.

I continue to say that I would prefer Carolina North to almost any other use I can imagine for this property. If something has to be built - and it does - this is the best use. We just have to make sure that this land is used best.

Meet and Greet with Jim Neal

Join UNCYD and GLBT-SA on the 24th for an informal Q&A meeting with US Senate candidate Jim Neal... free pizza will be provided!

All are welcome to come and participate!

Young Democrats Website:


Jim Neal for U.S. Senate Website:

Jim Neal for U.S. Senate facebook group:


Thursday, January 24, 2008 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Gardner 105, UNC Campus

"Water and Growth--Can We Have Both?"

Speaker: Sarah Bruce, from The Village Project and Executive Director of the Upper Neuse River Basin Association (other speakers TBD). Light refreshments will be served.


Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Lake Hogan Farms Clubhouse, 101 Commons Way in Chapel Hill (from Homestead Rd., turn north onto Lake Hogan Farms Rd. and take the second right).

Orange County Democratic Breakfast

The breakfast provides a regular, informal, and congenial setting where we discuss issues with fellow Democrats and have occasional speakers or programs. Mr. Moses Carey, currently a County Commissioner and a candidate for the NC Senate seat representing Orange and Person Counties, with be a guest.


Saturday, February 9, 2008 - 4:00am to 5:15am


Occoneechee Steak House, 378 S. Churton St., Hillsborough



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