January 2008

Here it comes

I just deleted our first spam comment on the new site. Fortunately I have many more tools in the arsenal, include image CAPTCHAs if the math ones aren't tough enough.

General predictions for BOCC elections

This is more of my perspective of how the current election by district setup will play out.  Two at-large seats:Historically Chapel Hill and Carrboro residents have controlled 60% of the votes at a minimum, meaning at least one of the two at-large seats will be filled by a district 1 supported candidate.   Most terms District 1 will control both seats and rarely if Hillsborough and Rural OC can agree on a candidate they'll have one at-large seat.Three District 1 seats:Obviously Carrboro and Chapel Hill supported seats.Two District 2 seats:I see both will be controlled by Hillsborough residence unless the rural areas from southeastern and northern parts of the county will agree on a candidate and that's not going to proactively happen before our next opportunity at having representation.

Where'd that page go? a.k.a. 404 Page not found

Have you followed a link to OrangePolitics only to get a "Page not found" message (or this here page) instead of the blog entry you were expecting? When we moved this site from Wordpress to Drupal in January 2008, we were able to keep most of the addresses from changing. However, there are some anomalies that fell through the cracks.

Start later to get more done

School starting times have long been a peeve of mine, even though I don't have kids. When parents work typical office hours, getting kids up and ready for classes that start before 8 am and end around 3 pm has got to be a frustrating ordeal. Of course not all parents work at white collar jobs, but 9-to-5 is probably more common than the agrarian schedule that our school day used to be planned around. Not to mention the impact of dawn classes on the students!

1998 Suit Settled

The AP is reporting that the suit betwwen former soccer player Melissa Jennings and her former coach, Anson Dorrance, was settled for $385,000. The UNC Trustees approved the settlement last week. Reactions?

UNC proposes cursory master plan review

Just got an info item that will be on the Chapel Hill Town Council's agenda tonight. Apparently the "Innovations Center" is on next week's agenda (1/23/08), but of course the Council needs to know about the plans for Carolina North to understand the context for this first building. So UNC proposes to toss off a presentation about the Carolina North Master Plan at the same meeting and then go on with presenting the concept plan of the Innovations Center.

I would think the Town would need a moment to actually comprehend the plan before trying to understand something that is supposed to fit into it. But of course that would assume that UNC actually wants elected officials, staff, or citizens of Chapel Hill (and Carrboro) to analyze, understand, or respond to anything they're doing.

It sounds like UNC's plan is just to do a quick presentation, and listen to public comment at this meeting - with one week's notice - and then just go along their merry way building the first phase Carolina North without any substantial input from the community.

Letters take liberties with logic

A couple of recent letters to the editor are stretching logic and hyperbole in order to make their points. I think they end up having the opposite effect. In today's Daily Tar Heel for example, senior Chris Garrison complains that "if Benito Mussolini can get public transportation to run on schedule" why can't Chapel Hill? Do we really have to answer that, Chris?

In last week's Independent Weekly, Sharon Cook wrote a letter taking issue with that paper's October 2007 characterization of her as a newcomer to the issue of justice for the African-American neighbors of the landfill. She accused the Indy of shoddy reporting, and explained her history of supporting her Rogers Road neighbors.

Will Libertarians Become the Opposition in the OC

Over the past 9 years, I find the basically progressive vibe in Chapel Hill refreshing. I spent most of my life in an ultra-conservative suburb of Richmond, VA that considered Ronald Reagan a little bit of a lefty. However, the lack of an opposition in the OC is becoming a bit of problem. We have to fight amongst ourselves to even get our blood pressure up. At least Jesse Helms would complain about us from time to time, but sadly Elizabeth Dole is no "Senator No. "

This cannot go on forever. Someone has to step up and make ridiculous complaints about our high standard of living, basically harmonious relationships between the races, excellent school system and Free Public Transportation. My biggest problems with the Town are that there aren't enough right turn lanes and the sidewalks need to be extended in places.

Enter the Libertarians

Orange County Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting

The input session will begin with a formal time for citizens to speak at a podium about what they would like to see in the plan.

Afterward, County staff will be stationed throughout the room, each representing one of the seven plan elements: Economic Development, Housing, Land Use, Natural and Cultural Systems, Recreation and Parks, Services/Utilities and Community Facilities, and Transportation. During this period, staff will be in a listening mode giving County residents a chance to talk about important goals they desire to see included within each of the elements.


Monday, January 28, 2008 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Southern Human Services Building

Presidents, Politics and Power: American Presidents Who Shaped the 20th Century

The Carrboro Cybrary and Carrboro Recreation & Parks present “Presidents, Politics & Power: American Presidents Who Shaped the 20th Century.” Each week we will be viewing a film that provides a presidential biography and opens up a discussion of our nation’s leaders.  The presidents included in the series are: Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.  Following each film, Dr. David Zonderman, a history professor at NC State, will lead us in discussion and answer questions.  You can pick up a packet of short essays at the Cybrary that will help inform the discussion.  Come learn about the impact of past presidents before voting in a new one this year.  This program is made possible in part by a grant from the North Carolina Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Preview the series by viewing the first video online via NC Live!  Log in to NC Live from the Cybrary’s website and go to the new NC Live Media Collection.  Click on TR: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt, Parts 1 & 2. Then, come join us in the Century Center for another viewing and discussion on Monday, January 28th.

Mondays 9:00-11:00am
Januay 28 -- March 3
Carrboro Century Center


Monday, January 28, 2008 - 4:00am to 6:00am


Carrboro Century Center, 100 N. Greensboro St.



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