May 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Rd, Chapel Hill
In a little over a month, on July 5, candidate filing will open at the Orange County Board of Elections for municipal elections and the Chapel Hill/Carrboro School Board. There hasn't been much media attention yet to potential candidates for any of these offices, but with
Gary Kahn announcing today his intention to run for Chapel Hill Town Council, it's certainly about that time when election speculation begins.
With many discussions about the future of Chapel Hill -- particularly the future of economic development -- occurring simultaneously right now, who runs and who wins in November could have a significant impact on shaping the direction in which Chapel Hill grows. As such, let's take a look at who we might expect to see emerge as candidates for Town Council as the filing period nears.
As Travis notes in his post on the upcoming election for Chapel Hill Town Council, the filing period to run for the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board of Education also begins on July 5th.
Three incumbents are up for re-election: James Barrett, Michelle Brownstein, and Greg McElveen
James Barrett was elected to a two-year seat in 2011. He intends to run for re-election.
Michelle Brownstein was first elected to the CHCCS Board in 2009. She is currently Board Chair. She also intends to run for re-election.
Greg McElveen
was appointed to fill Pam Hemminger's seat when Pam was elected to the
Orange County Board of County Commissioners in 2008. He was elected to
the seat in 2009. Greg will not be seeking re-election.
This leaves one seat open. There are no known challengers at this point.
7:00 - 8:00
- Durham Technical Community College
- Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools
- Orange County Schools
8:00 - 8:30 Sportsplex
8:30 - 10:00 County Departments
- Register of Deeds
- Sheriff
- Emergency Services
- Solid Waste (including Fee Schedule change requests and Non-Departmental items)
- Asset Management Services
- Child Support Enforcement
- Cooperative Extension
- Economic Development (including Non-Departmental items)
- Elections
- Information Technologies
- Planning and OPT, including Efland Sewer (including Fee Schedule change requests and Non-Departmental items)
- Public Affairs
- Tax Administration
- Board of County Commissioners
- County Manager
Thursday, June 6, 2013 - 7:00pm
Southern Human Services Center
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