April 2019
As expected, on Tuesday night the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to discontinue the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit project. After a failure of negotiations, this step formally discontinues the project and begins a process to reallocate the funds that had been allocated to the light rail project through an amended Orange County Transit Plan.
That process will involve lengthy conversations with community members and potential partners. A lot of time and effort, and difficult negotiation lie ahead. For me, it’s time to pause and consider what has been lost.
Chapel Hill's Town Council will be discussing a new community outreach and engagement plan on Wednesday evening. Their goal is to "create a vibrant and inclusive community by enriching the lives of those who work, live and visit Chapel Hill by building community and creating a place for everyone". They are taking a three-pronged approach through racial equity, human-centered design, and community engagement.
Here is your opportunity to review their strategy before it is discussed at the Chapel Hill Town Council meeting. What do you think of their plan and ideas? How would you make it better knowing your community's needs and potential?
The terms for Mayor of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough are all up this year, as well as seats on Chapel Hill Town Council, Carrboro Board of Alderpersons, Hillsborough Town Board and Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Board. Carrboro Mayor Lydia Lavelle, Carrboro Alderperson Damon Seils, and Hillsborough Board Member Matt Hughes have all announced they will be running for election to their current positions. There are challengers for some of the seats up for election; so far they are Tai Huynh (CHTC), Jeff Charles (CHTC) and Susan Romaine (CBOA). See below for more information on who is up for re-election and what we know so far.
Local elections will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, for the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, the Chapel Hill Town Council, the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education.
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