michelle's blog
Weaver Community Housing Association would like to voice its support of the IFC locating the Food First community kitchen in downtown Carrboro. WCHA is concerned about public safety for all of its residents and that includes those of low-income and marginalized populations. Hence, our organization does not support criminalization of the homeless by spreading fear of panhandling and loitering.

Internationalist Books is moving and we need your help!
Internationalist Books and Community Center has been an invaluable part of our community since 1981. We are moving from our current location on Franklin St to Carrboro. Our new space will give us a better ability to host programs, projects and events, and make us better able to keep Internationalist strong and growing into the future. This move is a huge undertaking, and a huge leap of faith. We need our community’s support to make this move successful. Please donate whatever you can to pay for the costs of renovations, new bookshelves and furniture, and to help us weather the financial impact of a big move and establish ourselves firmly in our new home. We also want to invite our community to help with workdays in the new space, help us spread the word, and help us with a vision for our new space and the amazing ways our work can grow through this move.
Do you want to seel real change in the word and in the way we live on this planet? Are you tired of hearing about species going extinct everyday, methane plumes in the Antarctic, dead zones in the ocean? Would you like to meet more people like yourself, and create a reinvigorated movement. If so, then you're in luck, because there are two events coming up this week in Chapel Hill for you!
Thursday June 21st, free screening of the documentary film Just Do It! A Tale of Modern Day Outlaws 7 p.m. 405 W. Franklin St.@ Internationalist Books
Saturday June 23rd, a presentation by the Deep Green Resistance Roadshow from Wisconsin 7 p.m. @ Internationalist Books 405 W. Franklin St.
Descriptions below:
Urgent Action Needed! Pro Fracking PR Hack Descends Upon Chapel Hill: Tell Flyleaf Books to Cancel Event Immediately! (Please Forward Widely)
As advertised by UNC’s Humanities in Action program, they plan to bring the president of an oil and gas company that makes money off of hydraulic fracturing to speak in support of this dangerous natural gas extraction practice at a local independent bookstore called Flyleaf Books. There will be no one present to tell the other side of the story: that fracking has caused major disasters all over the country from well explosions, to methane leached in to water aquifers, poisoned families, carcinogens and hundreds of toxins leached into our rivers. The event is scheduled for December 7th from 3:30-5 p.m. and tickets cost $20.
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