OP Editors's blog
Nine candidates are running for the Orange County Board of Commissioners in the upcoming Democratic primary election on March 15.
- At Large (1 seat): Andy Cagle, Matt Hughes, Mark Marcoplos
- District 1 (2 seats): Jamezetta Bedford, Mark Dorosin, Gary Kahn, Penny Rich
- District 2 (1 seat): Bonnie Hauser, Renee Price
OrangePolitics asked the candidates to answer five questions, and all provided responses. We're posting the candidates' responses to one question every Monday. We previously posted the candidates’ answers about the county-schools relationship, the 2016 bond referendum, poverty, and economic development. Today, we post the responses to the fifth question:
With rising home prices, rents, and property taxes, how should the county promote the development of more affordable housing and prevent displacement of lower-income residents?
Nine candidates are running for the Orange County Board of Commissioners in the upcoming Democratic primary election on March 15.
At Large (1 seat): Andy Cagle, Matt Hughes, Mark Marcoplos
District 1 (2 seats): Jamezetta Bedford, Mark Dorosin, Gary Kahn, Penny Rich
District 2 (1 seat): Bonnie Hauser, Renee Price
OrangePolitics asked the candidates to answer five questions, and all provided responses. We're posting the candidates' responses to one question every Monday. We previously posted the candidates’ answers about the county-schools relationship, the 2016 bond referendum, and poverty. Today, we post the responses to the fourth question:
Five candidates are running for the Orange County Board of Education in the upcoming election on March 15th. Unlike the several primary election items on the ballot, the school board race is a nonpartisan general election. The winners will take office in June.
- Full 4-year term (3 seats): Stephen H. Halkiotis, Tony McKnight, Matthew Roberts
- Unexpired 2-year term (1 seat): John D. Hamilton, Michael H. Hood
OrangePolitics asked the candidates to answer five questions. The responses from four of the candidates are provided below. Candidate Matthew Roberts did not respond.
The Sierra Club has issued its endorsements in the 2016 primary election. The endorsed candidates are:
- At Large: Mark Marcoplos
- District 1: Mark Dorosin, Penny Rich
- District 2: Renee Price
The Orange County Schools Board of Education has appointed Millicent Rainey and Jessica Aguilar to fill vacancies on the board. Both will serve until June, to be replaced by winners of the March 15th election.

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