Ruby Sinreich's blog
Just when we think we're so enlightened around here, a bunch of teenagers assault a Sikh man because they think he looks like Osama Bin Laden. In fact the kids were so stupid that in addition to the assault charges, one of them got busted for possession of marijuana and intent to sell crack. Not our community's finest, I must say.
Gagandeep Bindra, who has a short beard, brown skin and wears a Patka, a scarf wrapped around his hair, said that it is not uncommon for people to call him and others with brown skin Osama bin Laden or a terrorist.
"This is like a normal occurrence after 9/11," Bindra said Friday. "Every night when I go out to Franklin Street, someone shouts out bin Laden.... They think anybody brown is Middle Eastern. Anybody brown is a terrorist."
The way people treated him after 9/11 changed, he said, but he expected he would be safe in a college community.
I am pleased to announce the Readers Digest! Subscribers to this e-mail list will get a weekly summary of new posts and occasional previews of what's to come.
The list is announce-only, which means that no-one can post to it but the Editors of the site, and there will be no replies or discussion. You will only hear from us once a week and your name will not be shared with anyone else.
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A PSA from Internationalist Books and Community Center:
April 5 -- Join members of the League of Pissed Off Voters to discuss their
new book, celebrate political activism and collaborate on swinging the 2004
presidential election. Responding to the current political stupidity
(perpetrated by Stupid White Men of all races, genders and IQ scores), 12
ingenious young political artists and organizers have created a book, How
to Get Stupid White Men Out of Office, that could tip the balance in 2004.
It shows how young people who don't do electoral politics can play the game
-- on their own terms.
Monday, April 5, 6:30 PM at Nightlight, 405 1/2 W. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill.
No it's not an April Fool's joke. This has got to be the first presidential candidate's visit to Carrboro! (Someone please chime in if I'm wrong.) Whatever you may think about his campaign, Dennis Kucinich has been articulate, poised, and principled. And it's kind of exciting that he's coming here!
This is an e-mail from the venerable Joe Straley:
At the Farmers Market in Carrboro
1:00 PM, Sunday, April 4
Satisfied with the hawkish tones of US foreign policy? Come and become dis-satisfied.
Tired of being a part of a nation which bullies nations which it doesn't understand? Come and hear an alternative foreign policy.
Tired of spending billions for war while penny-pinching domestic needs? Dennis is your man.
Dennis Kucinich will be in Carrboro long enough to convince you that a vote for him in the April 17 Democratic Caucus is the best vote you will be able to make this year.
The Independent Weekly ran a story by Fiona Morgan last week about the Orange County Democratic Party. They are experiencing an influx of Dean supporters which is giving the overall party a boost in organization and momentum.
As for Dean's mantra of "taking back the party," [Orange County Democratic Party Chair Barry] Katz says he would like to see it happen. "On a local level, re-establishing a party that exists independent of its candidates but exists to support its candidates, that's taking back the party. And that's what's happening in Orange County." - Independent Weekly, 3/17/04
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