Ruby Sinreich's blog

Don't Drink the Water

No, I'm just exagerating. But maybe I will stock up on bottled water next week...

In the month of March, 2004 as in March of 2003, OWASA will again use chlorine instead of chloramines for disinfection. The purpose of this change, which occurs annually, is to help ensure a high level of disinfection in the community’s network of water mains.

North Carolina standards require OWASA, and other utilities that normally use chloramines for disinfection, to instead use chlorine for one month each year. For example, the Cities of Raleigh and Durham and Towns of Cary and Apex will also use chlorine for disinfection in March instead of chloramines.- OWASA Press Release

I have heard (and observed) that the tap water is pretty "hard" in my neighborhood. You can smell the chlorine when you turn on the shower, I even feel it drying out my skin. Is this really worse in Northside than other neighborhoods? One friend's theory had to do with proximity of the plant, but then folks in Carrboro would have it even worse.

It Ain't Illegal Yet

Peggy Misch has a posse... and they're keeping the heat on local leaders to resist the Bush Administration's attempts to dismantle civil rights and liberties. In addition to the county Democratic Party, they're talking about taking their resolution to Hillsborough. It has already been passed by the governing bodies of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County as well an the N.C. Academy of Trial Lawyers.

Orange County civil liberties activists are working to make a resolution opposing the USA PATRIOT Act component of the official platform of the county's Democratic Party.

The Orange County Bill of Rights Defense committee agreed at a meeting Thursday to begin rallying support for the resolution before local Democratic precincts hold their meetings March 9.
- Daily Tarheel, 2/20/04

"Uncovered" at the Cave

According to the Indy:

The Cave, 452 1/2 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, is showing the film "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War" free every Monday in February at 7 p.m. Voter registration available.

Now that's what I call a socially-responsible business!

Protest Local War Profiteers

I apologize for the length, but there doesn't seem to be any info online.

As a warm up to March 20:

Please Spread the Word and join us for the International Day of Action Against War Profiteers: Tuesday, February 24

"Why are RTI , UNC, Duke, NCCU, and NCSU willing accomplices to war profiteering?"

"Why Won't Bush and RTI allow real democracy in Iraq?"



Let the Iraqi People Speak for Themselves. REAL DEMOCRACY NOT U.S.

Tuesday, Feb. 24; 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM On the corner of Corwallis Rd. and NC
Hwy 55 in Durham.

Bring signs and banners. We will have a lively street-side demonstration at a busy intersection followed by dinner and a strategy session beginning at approximately 6:00pm.

Water Water Everywhere

Tonight the Chapel Hill Town Council will hold a public hearing on the proposal to create a public stormwater management utility.

I have to admit, it took me a while to "get" stormwater issues. (And I majored in environmental science so it shouldn't be so hard.) The really important point is that water doesn't recognize property lines so if it falls on my land but it doesn't get absorbed, it just flows right on to the next lot. And so on and so on until you have a flood at Eastgate and Camelot apartments. Or something like that. So we all need to take more responsibility for the water coming from our own property.

This new utility seems like it could be a good solution. But I was dismayed to learn recently that Carrboro and UNC would not be participating. That certainly seems to handicap the whole thing.



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