
This Week in Orange Politics: March 9-15

This week, in Carrboro, Board of Aldermen will discuss tourism and the master plan for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. In Chapel Hill, the Town Council will meet to talk about bike/ped infrastructure at Ephesus-Fordham on Monday, Obey Creek on Thursday, and the future of the Southern Village Park and Ride Lot on Friday. In Hillsborough, the Town Board will consider adopting a new Vision 2030 plan. Here’s the full summary:


  • Work Session: Tuesday, March 10, 7pm @ Carrboro Town Hall
    • The Board will receive a report from the Carrboro Tourism Authority
    • The Board will also discuss next steps for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park Master Plan
    • The Board will also receive an update on the zip code boundary review


When Art Reflects Reality (Even After 130 Years)

As I took my seat in the Paul Green Theatre last Saturday for PlayMakers Repertory Company’s production of An Enemy of the People, I had no expectation that the performance would resonate with the kind of local government discourse and behavior I see right here in Chapel Hill. Yet, as the play began and the story unfolded, that is exactly what happened.

Written by Henrik Ibsen in 1882 and adapted by Arthur Miller in 1950, Enemy tells the story of Dr. Stockmann, a physician who attempts to expose an inconvenient truth about his town, only to find himself and his family alienated, alone, and in danger as a result of his actions.

As the play reaches its climax, Dr. Stockmann makes a final attempt to convey his findings and alert his community to what he has uncovered. But rather than being able to speak freely, he is silenced from speaking about the issue at hand, which causes him to dive into a monologue condemning the tyranny of the majority, the silencing of his freedom of speech, and the hypocrisy of those around him who abandon their values in the face of inconvenient truths.

How a Chapel Hill Town Council Vacancy is Filled

With the impending resignation of Chapel Hill Town Council member Matt Czajkowski, the OP Editors thought it might be useful to revisit exactly what happens in the case of a vacancy. The relevent code falls under Chapter 2, Article II of the town code of ordinances.

Since Czajkowski's seat is up for election this year, any person filling the seat would do so only until his successor is elected in the municipal election this fall.

This Week in Orange Politics: March 2-8

It’s another busy week for Orange County’s public bodies. The Carrboro Alderfolks will make several appointments and discuss the town’s affordable housing fund, while the Chapel Hill Council will hear about capital priorities. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board will consider designating over-  and under-crowded schools for the next school year, the county commissioners will review their legislative agenda and consider approving funds for the Family Success Alliance.

The Hillsborough Town Board and county school board are both in recess this week.

Here’s the full summary:



Orange Democrats Precinct Meetings

We've already had one precinct meeting and one regional precinct meeting and what a success they have been already! Hogan Farms met on Saturday and will develop an issues based advocacy plan. Last night eight precincts in and around Hillsborough met and formulated ways to move forward and develop a stronger presence in their respective precincts.

The annual precinct meeting is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, discuss the issues facing our great state, and help build your party leading into 2016. Last year we saw a tremendous amount of effort and energy in the local party. Let’s keep that momentum going for our community and our state by participating in your precinct meeting!

The remaining precincts to meet are:

Central Chapel Hill Area Precinct Meetings
Battle Park, East Franklin, Greenwood, Lincoln, Northside
Wednesday, February 25, 7pm to 9pm
Chapel Hill Public Library, 100 Library Drive, Chapel Hill



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