
Council Member Matt Czajkowski is leaving Chapel Hill

It was a surprise to all of us on Town Council, judging from the reactions around the dais, to hear Council Member Matt Czajkowski resign effective March 30. He is moving to Kigali to work on providing clean water and economic development. I know the Council will be very different without him and the elections in November very interesting. Here's wishing the family all kinds of success!! 

This Week in Orange Politics: February 16-22

Though the Carrboro Alderfolks and Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board are both are break this week, it’ll still be a busy week for Orange County’s public bodies. The Chapel Hill Town Council will consider Obey Creek and talk about a number of other development proposals currently on the table, while the county school board will consider approving its strategic plan.

The Hillsborough Town Board will hold a workshop on stormwater and Riverwalk, and host a joint meeting with the county commissioners covering transit, economic development, planning and host of other issues.

Other events across the county this week include a town hall with Chapel Hill Town Council member Lee Storrow and a meeting of the Chapel Hill Transit Partners. We’ll also hold our monthly editors meeting Sunday.

Here’s the full summary:


  • There is no meeting this week. The next meeting is Tuesday, March 3rd.


UNC Centers

Kirk Ross posted some of his thoughts about the recent UNC system center closings. Here are some of his observations:

Although passed by consensus vote, during discussions Tuesday there was a split over the at least some recommendations including one tense exchange over the decision not to close Chapel Hill’s Center for Civil Rights, which is based at the law school.

BOG member Steven Long and Center for Civil Rights director Ted Shaw

BOG member Steven Long said the center was engaging in political activities and said the center’s engagement in school segregation cases in several North Carolina counties was wrong and damaging to the county budgets. Long said he did not think it was right for a part of the university to be engaged in legal actions against the state or local governments.

Town Hall Series Starts Next Week

Starting next week, I'll be hosting a series of four Town Hall events that each focus on a different issue in our community: downtown Chapel Hill, social and environmental justice, economic development and working together in Orange County. 

I want these events to be an opportunity for residents to engage and take an active role in shaping the future of our town. All you need to bring is an open mind and ideas for how we can build a more vibrant, livable community. Here's the schedule:

Issue: Downtown Chapel Hill
When: Wednesday, Feb. 25th at 5:30 p.m.
Where: DSI Comedy, 62 W Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Click here to see full event details and RSVP for the downtown Chapel Hill Town Hall.

Issue: Social and Environmental Justice
When: Saturday, Feb. 28th at 1 p.m.
Where: Rogers Road Community Center, 101 Edgar Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

snow and sidewalks

Yesterday morning I drove a bit around town. (I used our old '92 civic that was "totalled" a few years ago just in case it was icier than I thought.) Most of the university and school lots and sidewalks were plowed. Few residentail sidewalks were shoveled. Have you noticed that  it is usually the older residents in town who first shovel their sidewalks?  I noticed the Town staff was digging out the snow at the bus stops. I wish the folks using the snow plows would take an extra moment and not leave a big pile of snow at the curb cut cross walks. Later I walked around our neighborhood and to campus. Manning Drive was ice free but the sidewalk south of campus was unplowed and all the curb cuts were piled high from the snow plows.I wish the folks using the snow plows would take an extra moment and not leave a big pile of snow at the curb cut cross walks. Later afternoon was a great time to clear ice from driveways and sidewalks. We were able to shovel pretty quickly in front of our house.  I wish our town would spend more effort in clearing the main sidewalks in town. That would really be pedestrian friendly. 



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