Much more info to come. Here are some handy links:
- Orange County Board of Elections
- Candidates on Twitter
- Discussion of 2011 races on OP
- Live online candidate forums
Key dates:
- July 1 - Candidate filing begins, noon
- July 15 - Candidate filing ends, noon
- Sept 19 - Absentee ballots available for mailing
- Oct 14 - Registration books close
- Oct 20 - One-stop early voting begins (Does not require pre-registration.)
- Nov 1 - Deadline for requesting absentee Ballots by mail.
- Nov 5 - One-stop early voting ends, 1:00 p.m.
- Nov 7 - Deadline for voters to return absentee ballots in person
- Nov 8 - Absentee ballots must be postmarked by this date if returned by mail
- Nov 8 - Election day, 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. (Registered voters only.)
Filed Candidates page created
UNC-TV voters guide posted