Happy New Year

A Happy New Year wish to all the readers, posters, and lurkers who frequent OP and to the Editors who make it run.  A very big wish to Ruby on her new job.  Stay safe, happy and healthy everyone.


Hi all,  this will be my final blog during the rest of the  election season. I have  enjoyed attending CHTC  meetings   during the last 2.5 years. Since moving here I have been  vocal on a number of town issues that have not received the attention it deserved . I have voiced an opinion from the cell phone ban which I was in favored  of, I wanted a private investigator for the Yates  Building   incident , which the CHTC  shot down, I felt that the signs for the bus ads which were STOP AID TO ISREAL were politically incorrect, and happy that CHTC change it to their current policy on the issue . I sat through the Rogers Road and other community issues as well, Such as Obey Creek, Central West, the Ram Plaza area, and Glen Lennox. I sat through town ordinances evaluation such as the food truck issue. So therefore im not  exactly the new kid in town. In conclusion I hope you consider all the above when choosing to vote for me in this years election. Thank you. Gary Kahn The above is from election of 2013

Moving to the Senate

Last Wednesday I was sworn in to the North Carolina Senate, filling the vacancy created by Senator Ellie Kinnaird’s retirement. I was humbled and honored by the committee’s decision Sunday as well as the outpouring of support I’ve received in the last few weeks.

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank Sen. Kinnaird for her continued service to North Carolina, to the members of the State Senate District Executive Committee for trusting me with their vote, and to the entire Democratic Party for running a fair and honest process.

I want you to know that I see this new position as a responsibility. Senate District 23 is the progressive core of North Carolina and we need a legislator who is both a passionate advocate for liberal causes, following the example set by Ellie Kinnaird, and also effective in a hostile environment.

Justice United Candidates' Forum on Affordable Communities

This forum will focus on issues that affect affordable communities: housing, environmental justice, public transportation, jobs & wages, and disaster planning. Carrboro and Chapel candidates for the Town Council and Board of Alderpersons will answer prepared questions for the first hour and then will have an opportunity to mingle with the audience to meet people directly and answer individual questions.


Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Binkley Baptist Church (1712 Willow Drive, Chapel Hill)

Now Who Pays? The Impact of New North Carolina Legislation and Budget on Local Government Services

The League of Women Voters of Orange, Durham, and Chatham Counties will sponsor a voter education program entitled Now Who Pays? The Impact of New North Carolina Legislation and Budget on Local Government Services. The goal of this program is to promote greater understanding of the effects on local county governments of the State budget and tax legislation enacted during the 2013 session.

Kelly McCullen, Host of UNC-TV's Legislative Week in Review, will open the program with a summary of the new tax legislation and other outcomes from the 2013 legislative session that impact funding of local services.

The specific impacts on local budgets, revenue sources, and services will be discussed by Charlie Horne from Chatham County, Deborah Criag-Ray from Durham County, and Michael Talbert from Orange County, each representing a County Manager's office..

The program will be held Thursday, September 19, from 7pm to 8:30pm, at Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliott Road, Chapel Hill. The program is open to the general public. Admission and parking are free.


Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Extraordinary Ventures, 200 S. Elliot Rd, Chapel Hill



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