Howdy, all, and thanks for this very interesting site. I have a process-related question:
The N&O voters' guide says that not only will the top three finishers in the Carrboro Board election be seated as aldermen for the usual four-year terms, but that whoever finishes fourth in this Tuesday's election will also be seated, for a two-year term, when the new mayor is seated.
Can anyone acquainted with election law tell me (and us) whether:
(a) that's correct, or whether
(b) a special election will be held for the unexpired aldermanic term of Mark or Alex, or whether
(c) the seat will be filled by appointment (and, if so, who does the appointing)?
Much obliged,
Mark H. (a newbie)
Here's an election day open thread. Did you vote? How many were there before you? Which candidates were campaigning at your poll site? Who did you vote for?
And are you as glad as me that the campaigns are almost over?
Tomorrow's the square dance we've all been waiting for, and since there will be people gathering in all corners of our fair village, I want to extend an invitation.
If you're so inclined, please consider coming out to WCHL's broadcast. I'll be moderating live talks at Town Hall Grill in Southern Village from 7:30 until the results are all in. Notable guests will include Neil Offen, Kirk Ross and Ryan Tuck, editors of the CHH, the Independent and the DTH, respectively.
If you've already got plans for somewhere else, hey, great - your civic interest is worth it in itself. But if you're shopping for a place to go, keep in mind that we have complimentary FOOD from the host, free WIRELESS to suit your blogging needs, and the poll RESULTS as they happen.
We'll also have interviews with as many candidates as will speak with us, so even if you can't come (and I hope you will) tune in to 1360 AM for live coverage.
One of the most amusing treats of the election season is the News & Observer annual candidate guide, which asks the important question: What's your favorite movie?
Here are each candidate's selections:
Chapel Hill Mayor
· Kevin Foy: none listed
· Kevin Wolff: didn't respond
Chapel Hill Town Council
· Bill Thorpe: Ray
· Ed Harrison: none listed
· Jason Baker: American: Beauty
· Laurin Easthom: The English Patient
· Mark Kleinschmidt: Brazil, Lord of the Rings, All About Eve
· Robin Cutson: Dancer in the Dark starring Bjork
· Will Raymond: Lilies of the Field
Carrboro Mayor
· Alex Zaffron: Schindler's List
· Mark Chilton: Matewan
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