
News and opinions related to local elections.

OP Announces First-Ever Online Candidate Forums in Orange County

The editors of OrangePolitics are excited to announce our first-ever online candidate forums for the upcoming Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board, Carrboro Board of Aldermen, and Chapel Hill Town Council elections. Orange County journalist Kirk Ross, former editor of the Carrboro Citizen and a columnist for both the Citizen and the Independent Weekly among others, will serve as the moderator of all three forums.

Each forum will consist of real-time written conversations between the candidates and the moderator. Questions will be solicited from OP readers before and during the forum. The moderator will have final say in question selection. The events will take place online at orangepolitics.org, with one evening dedicated to each race covered.

What question would you like asked? Post it in the comments below!

OP 'Early-and-Often' Happy Hour

Meet the candidates and get your early vote on at the next OP Happy Hour. We'll be at the West End Wine Bar on Franklin Street.


Friday, October 21, 2011 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm


West End Wine Bar (450 W. Franklin Street in Chapel Hill)

League of Women Voters and NC Center for Voter Education Chapel Hill Town Council and Mayor Forum

The League of Women Voters and the NC Center for Voter Education inviteyou to participate in a Meet the Candidates Forum at 7:30 on Monday,October 3, in the Council Chambers of the Chapel Hill Town Hall.The Forum will follow the traditional League format of allowing eachcandidate to make an opening and closing statement with questions from amoderator in between.  The forum will cover the Chapel Hill  mayor andtown council races.The forum will be broadcast live over Channel 18 and will bere-broadcast in the following weeks as time allows.  The forum will alsobe videotaped and placed on the web site of NC Voters for CleanElections and the League of Women Voters.


Monday, October 3, 2011 - 7:30pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall Council Chambers

Board of Elections Keeps Early Voting Downtown and Approves 4 Sites

I’m the chair of the Board of Elections and wanted to clarify some of the discussion that has gone on about early voting:

Vote Republican this Fall?

Many of you may assume - as I did - that all the elected officials in Orange County are registered as either Democrat or Unaffiliated voters. If so, then you would be wrong.

In the process of compiling information for a forthcoming spreadsheet of candidate information, I learned that Hillsborough Town Commissioner Evelyn Lloyd recently changed her registration from D to R. Just like that, we now have a Republican elected in Orange County - breaking many years of tradition. OK.

It's not unusual for one Republican to run in the lonely primary for County Commissioner in even years. Like it or not, it's understood that they will not be elected when put to a county-wide vote (especially since the Commissioners designed their district system to only barely change the status quo) but it's certainly their prerogative to run. It is even more Quixotic to run as a Republican in odd years when we elect our municipal leaders and our city school board.



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