
News and opinions related to local elections.

Candidates and Affordable Housing: How hopefuls plan to keep doors open and affordable

Forum Open Thread: Chapel Hill Town Council

Nine candidates, four seats. Welcome to the open thread for tonight's live Chapel Hill Town Council candidate forum.

We hope you'll use this space to post your thoughts and reactions. You can reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page.


An Open Letter to Kevin Wolff, Candidate for Mayor of Chapel Hill

After reading an email about Kevin Wolff's "Warning to Chapel Hill Residents", I was inspired by the response from the men of the IFC shelter to write an open letter to Mr. Wolff regarding his allegations about the danger of moving the men's shelter near Homestead Park.

Mr. Wolff:

Community House Resident Responds to Wolff Flyer

Earlier this week, perennial Chapel Hill mayoral candidate Kevin Wolff disseminated a campaign flyer in the Homestead Park neighborhood telling parents that they should be very concerned about the men's transitional facility locating on Homestead Road, suggesting that when the shelter is located there "a child will be assaulted, molested, kidnapped, and/or killed in that park. It's not a matter of if this will happen... it is a matter of when." The full flyer can be read here.

Forum Open Thread: Carrboro Board of Aldermen

Happy Monday evening, everyone. This is the open thread for conversation about the live Carrboro Board of Aldermen candidate forum. Post your thoughts and reactions here. You can also reach the editors during the forum via Twitter, Facebook, or the contact page.



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