
News and opinions related to local elections.

2011 Pundit Survey

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Zazzle modelOK, political nerds and peanut gallery, it's time for our annual election contest. You have one week to tell us who you think will win the 2011 elections (not who you want to win). 

The survey will close the same time as the real polls - 7:30pm on November 8th. The winner gets a free OP t-shirt or hat in the size and color of your choosing (by way of a gift certificate to the online OP store).

Endorsements for Baker and Storrow

As I have posted over the years, I love this town with the fervor of a convert.  Prior to coming here 11 years ago we moved around, travelled, made new friends as we did and were generally unmoored. Now we are part of a community with whom we are completely and happily intertwined.  When you meet people around the country and around the world and tell them you live in Chapel Hill, their faces light up with interest and a hint of envy.  The question you get is, "how do you like it there?"  My answer is always, "I love it, we'll never leave."

 As one can see from the 2020 visioning project, there are diverse opinions about what makes the town special and how to keep it going.  But whatever the individual opinions, the simple fact that so many people in our town will commit their time and energy to learning about and advocating for the issues that will shape our future, is part of the soul of this town that I love.

OP's annual election prediction contest is coming up soon so dust off your thinking caps, y'all!

The most important endorsement...

... yours!  The most influential endorsements of all are the opinions of people you know and trust.  This is our annual special-rules post to share YOUR favorites on this year's ballots. Here's OP's 2011 candidate list including links to all of their websites.

The rules: only write who you are voting for (and why, if you like). You can also list the people you would vote for if you lived in their districts. Do not refer (by name or specific description) to any candidates that you are not voting for or publicly supporting. If you do not follow the rules, your comments will be removed. In other words: keep it positive please.

[Note: I published this post and then took it down about a week ago. I got the sense that some folks wanted to wait until after more forums, especially OP's, were concluded to make final recommendation. I hope you're ready to go now!]

WCHL Mayoral Candidate Forum

I am imgaine the reason this is so short (one hour) is that there isn't much to ask the challengers besides "who the **** do you think you are?" and then thank Mark Kleinschmidt for his service and polite patience with these bozos. Here's my favorite part of WCHL's story about this: 

...challenger Kevin Wolff proposed the forum earlier this month, but hasn’t yet confirmed his attendance.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 8:00pm to 9:00pm


WCHL Studio, VilCom Center Drive, Chapel Hill



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