
News and opinions related to local elections.

Follow-Up to "Open Letter to Kevin Wolff"

While I have this semester break, I thought I'd take the time to follow-up on the last blog entry I wrote addressing mayoral candidate Kevin Wolff and his...allegations. I sent a copy of what I had written directly to the campaign of Kevin Wolff and was promptly told by him (or his staff) in so many words that "with age and understanding",  I would one day learn not to be judgmental and that if he becomes elected, he will implement a 2 year plan to get Chapel Hill's homeless of the streets by meeting with each and every individual to address their personal issues (in which he invited me to get involved). 

OP Happy Hour & Candidate Coming Out Party

Come meet the newly filed candidates for Orange County school board and Board of Commissioners!


Friday, March 9, 2012 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Vimala's Curryblossom Cafe, 431 W Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

2012: My View; Marlowe Foster, Candidate for Labor Commissioner in North Carolina

Every election cycle we hear the familiar refrain that this is the most important election of our life.  For the first time in my life, I believe it.  2012 IS the most important election we have faced.  Anger and frustration toward elected officials reigns.  We face extreme budgetary challenges as a state and nation.  Anytime you express policy differences you are immediately charged with being anti-American.  There is no focus on finding solutions to problems.  2012 is pivotal in determining whether the state we leave our children is better or worse than in the past.

Article: Women's representation in Chapel Hill town government

Kay Hagan is a Democrat?

I'm appalled with our 'D' senator in 2 distinctly dismal ways this afternoon.

First, Hagan votes to legalize the military to snatch and indefinitely detain anyone accused of being a scary 'terrorist.'  Specifically, no lawyer will be allowed for anyone so accused.  Also, this authorizes military actions within the US (um, posse comitatus? anyone?)  This includes US citizens like me and you, dear reader.  (Note this bill will extend to the military this unconstitutional priviledge currently only enjoyed by the president.)


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