
News and opinions related to local elections.

Occupy the Ballot Box: taking back our democracy from corporate rule from the grassroots up

9:00 am Registration  -- visitors are free, membership is $10, pre-order lunch


9:30 am Welcome and Introductions 

9:40 am Workshop/Teach-in by Pittsboro Mayor Randy Voller: 

             “How to Elect Progressive Candidates from the Grassroots Up”


11:40 am short break


11:45 am  Move to Amend:  Challenging the Myth of Corporate Personhood

     presentation and vote on resolution facilitated by Sally Goerner, MTA Triangle

12:15 pm Lunch and informal Discussion


1:00 pm  The future of voter-owned elections, transparency and accountability after Citizens United

               - Jake Gellar-Goad from Democracy NC


 1:30 pm Mobilizing for Campaigns without candidates:


              Defeating the marriage discrimination amendment - Sam Parker from Protect NC Families


              Protecting voter rights and ballot access for all -- Jake Gellar-Goad from Democracy NC


             Creating an independent redistricting commission -- Jesse Goslen, Wake Progressive Democrats


2:30 pm break 

2:40 pm The future of progressive politics in a rapidly changing world   -   roundtable discussion


4:30 pm adjourn



Saturday, December 3, 2011 - 9:30am to 4:30pm


Orange County Campus of Durham Tech, Room 201; 525 College Park Road, Hillsborough

Election Maps 2011: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

Here are our maps of the school board election results. Although they don't tell as interesting a story as the Chapel Hill maps, I wouldn't want to disappoint James Barrett by neglecting to publish them.

Election Maps 2011: Chapel Hill Town Council

Something happens when I make these maps. So much time goes into pulling them together, I finish without the energy to engage in a lot of commentary. But I know the rest of you election geeks can do the job, so...

First, the table below shows the number of precincts in which the leading candidates came in first, second, third, and fourth places.

Elections Maps on the State Board website

There are lots of nice election result maps linked from here:


click on "contest detail map" for the race you are interested in, and from there you can ask for "view enlarge map", though the key does not come with the enlargement. Also note that early votes will not be reallocated back to the precinct totals and maps for aout 90 days.

For example Chapel Hill Council


(for Durham part of this, see http://results.enr.clarityelections.com/NC/Durham/33075/49932/en/summary.html

to get to

Campaign Signs

Now that the November Election is over, how about all the candidates and groups go out and retrieve their campaign signs.



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