
News and opinions related to local elections.

CHCCS School Board candidate orientation session

CHCCS will hold a Board Candidate Orientation on Thursday, July 28, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm in the Superintendent's Conference Room of Lincoln Center.  Lunch will be provided during the meeting.  The orientation will seek to familiarize candidates with rules and regulations related to campaigning, the roles and responsibilities of Board of Education Members, current issues in the district and ways of accessing background information about the district.  Candidates interested in attending this orientation should contact Assistant to the Superintendent for Community Relations Stephanie Knott at sknott@chccs.k12.nc.us or (919) 967-8211, ext. 28227. 


Thursday, July 28, 2011 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm


Superintendent's Conference Room, Lincoln Center

The 21 Openings of 2011

A total of 21 seats are available in this year's municipal and school board elections. As incumbents and newcomers begin declaring their intentions, a quick summary of what we're in for is in order. Below is a list of the municipal and school board positions that will appear on local ballots in November.

LWV Educational Forum on Redistricting

"IT'S YOUR FUTURE: Will YOU Choose Your Representative Or Will THEY Choose You?"

An LWVODC Educational Forum on Redistricting in NC

Saturday, June 18th., 10 a.m. to noon, Extraordinary Ventures, 200 South Elliott Road, Chapel Hill


LWV Position on Redistricting and Redistricting Reform
- Gay Eddy, Moderator, LWVODC

The Troubled History of Redistricting in NC
- Bill Gilkeson, former (1985-2010) Staff Attorney at the NC General Assembly

NC's Redistricting Process and Its Status in the General Assembly
- Jane Pinsky, Director, The NC Coalition for Lobbying and Government Reform

Review of the Current Congressional /Legislative Maps and Where the New Lines Should Be Drawn

- Jessica Holmes, Redistricting Organizer, Southern Coalition for Social Justice

Review and Status of Redistricting Reform Legislation in the NC General Assembly

- Jane Pinsky, Director, The NC Coalition for Lobbying and Government Reform

The Pros and Cons of Redistricting Reform
- Bob Phillips, Ex. Director, NC Common Cause

Question and Answer Session

This forum is open to the public and is supported by a grant from the LWVNC Citizen Education Foundation. 


Saturday, June 18, 2011 - 10:00am to 12:00pm


Extraordinary Ventures, 200 South Elliott Road, Chapel Hill

In The Race for Carrboro Aldermen

Hello OP!

My name is Michelle Johnson. I'm running for Carrboro Board of Aldermen. I'm excited to be involved in the conversation on OP about the many important issues facing our community. 

Find me on Facebook:  here

Find me on Twitter: @MichelleforBOA

Early Voting in Orange County

In fall 2010, more than 900,000 people voted prior to Election Day in North Carolina. Our state currently allows local counties to provide early voting sites for periods up to three weeks before Election Day. Here in Orange County, early voting is particularly popular. On the final days of early voting in 2010, the line at Morehead Planetarium snaked  through the planetarium, down the stairs and across the quad as professors, residents and students lined up to vote.



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