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OP Editors Public Meeting


Saturday, June 11, 2011 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


Foster's Market, 750 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill, NC

Chapel Hill Youth Summit

The Youth Council for the Town of Chapel Hill will work to:

  • Provide an organization of young people that can carry out projects that benefit youth.
  • Provide an opportunity for young people to share in local government matters and to learn skills of leadership and responsibility.
  • Initiate programs and projects that benefit youth, as well as the community.
  • Serve, listen and represent the youth of Chapel Hill in all matters of civic interest and need.
  • Work collaboratively with other groups.

The purpose of the Chapel Hill Youth Council is to offer an organization through which the youth of our community may benefit both themselves and their community. 


Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 9:00am to 3:30pm


Carrboro High School

OP Happy Hour & Candidate Coming Out Party

The next OP Happy Hour will be held in Hillsborough on July 15 to coincide with the last day of candidate filing for the 2011 elections.


Friday, July 15, 2011 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm


246 S Nash St, Hillsborough, NC 27278 (The Depot at Hillsborough Station)

Solar Technology Demonstrations, Rocking High School Bands (amplified by solar power), Food Trucks, Free Workshops, and More!!!

Durham Tech’s Orange County Campus Hosts Sustainability Technologies Fair

Interested in solar technology? Learn more during Durham Technical Community College’s Sustainability Technologies Fair. The event will be held on Saturday, April 30, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Durham Tech’s Orange County Campus in Hillsborough. Beginning this fall, the Sustainability Technologies program will offer both the Solar Photovoltaic certificate and the Renewable Energy diploma.  Visitors can view solar technology demonstrations and talk to solar technology professionals. Some representatives from locally-owned solar installation companies include Strata Solar, Southern-Energy Management, and Sun Dogs Solutions. Visitors may also participate in 30-minute sustainability and renewable energy workshops led by Durham Tech instructors.  Other highlights:
  • Enjoy live music from local high school bands using an amplification system powered by solar energy;
  • Learn about the new Sustainability Technologies credit programming at the Orange County Campus;
  • Find out how to apply for financial aid and admissions for Summer Term 2011 and Fall Semester 2011 courses; 
  • Enjoy a delicious meal prepared by one of our locally owned and operated food truck vendors
The Solar Photovoltaic certificate is designed for licensed electricians, those pursuing an electrical degree, and those who are working in facilities services under the supervision of an electrician. The certificate instruction includes both energy use analysis and solar photovoltaic system installation. 

The new Renewable Energy diploma includes electrical and math courses for students without previous electrical experience. The diploma program includes work experience with a local company. The renewable energy diploma may be completed in five semesters. This new program will position Durham Tech and Orange County as leaders and models in the state for developing innovative and practical green training programs and initiatives. 


For the most up-to-date event information please go to the event webpage: 

For more information, contact Carlo Robustelli at 919-536-7238, ext. 4202, or


Saturday, April 30, 2011 - 10:00am to 2:00pm


Durham Tech's Orange County Campus, 525 College Park Road, Hillsborough NC

Carrboro Informational Workshop for the Wilson Park Multi-use Path

From the Town of Carrboro:
Citizens' Informational Workshop for the Wilson Park Multi-use Path
Please join us for an informational workshop on the design of a multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) path through Charles Herman Wilson Park. The meeting will provide an opportunity to review a design map, discuss the project with representatives of the Town and engineering firm, and fill out a comment sheet.

Light refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Jeff Brubaker, Transportation Planner, at 918-7329 or

Town Hall is accessible for persons with disabilities.

Taller Informativo Ciudadano para el Camino Multi-uso del Parque Wilson

Por favor acompáñenos a un taller informative sobre el diseño de un camino multi-uso (bicicletas y peatones) a través del Parque Charles Herman Wilson. La junta ofrecerá una oportunidad para revisar el mapa del diseño, discutir el proyecto con los respresentantes del Pueblo de Carrboro y de la firma de ingenieros, y para llenar una hoja de comentarios.

Se servirán refrigerios. Para más información, contactar a Jeff Brubaker, Planificador de Transporte, al 918-7329 ó

El ayuntamiento es accessible a personas con discapacidades.


Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall, 301 W Main St, Carrboro, NC 27510



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