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Fly-over Thursday

Thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for passing along this information so we needn't have our annual heart attack when Chapel Hill is invaded by noisy, low-flying military planes:

Our F-15's have had a change in their schedule and will be arriving in
Chapel Hill this Thursday (Nov. 16th) for their practice runs. The time will remain the same - between 3-4pm. PLEASE pass this information along to anyone who needs to be kept in the loop. Let me know if you have any questions.

Again, F-15 practice runs will take place over Kenan this Thursday between 3-4 pm.


Michael Beale
Assistant Athletic Director for Marketing
University of North Carolina Athletics

I must admit, I still don't get why they need to do this in the middle of our busy town. Don't they have military bases for this kind of thing?

Downtown safety forum tomorrow

The town is sponsoring (but not listing on their calendar) a forum on "crime & safety" downtown at 8:30am at Jack Sprat.

Panhandling and other issues will be up for discussion early Tuesday, as the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership - along with Chapel Hill police and town officials -hosts a forum for downtown stakeholders on crime and safety.

The forum is scheduled to run from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Jack Sprat Cafe, located at 161 E. Franklin St. Coffee will be served at 8 a.m. for those interested in coming early for networking.

The goal of the event is for the business community to bring its concerns to officials, as well as to learn about the new downtown police force and other efforts to improve safety.
- Town to address problems of panhandling, gangs - City

Forum and demo against military recruiting

The following is an announcement I just got by e-mail. Let's make it clear we don't want Chapel Hill's sons and daughters deceived into sacrificing themselves for Bush's ignoble cause.


On Wednesday, November 15, 2006, Chapel Hill's first military recruitment station is scheduled to open. This Army recruiting facility is being built because the military is desperate for more young people to continue occupying Iraq and to wage new wars on people all around the world. Military recruiters will use any means necessary to recruit our young people--their deceptive practices are well-documented. Please join us for the following events as we send a clear message of opposition to the militarization of our community and this blatant attempt to pull even more of our young people into the war to kill and be killed.

Energy, Climate, and UNC's 1 million sq. ft. expansion: Hearing Nov. 13th




The Town of Chapel Hill passed a Development Plan for UNC's Central Campus in 2001 under the OI-4 zoning ordinance. Two modifications have been requested and granted since that time.

Now UNC has submitted Development Plan Modification No. 3. This proposal includes over a million square feet of additional buildings on campus.

Vote on Sunday too

Weaver Street Market is having their annual member meeting this Sunday at noon. This is your last chance to meet the candidates and cast your vote for the Board of Directors.

From their newsletter:

The Weaver Street Market Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 5 in the Carrboro Century Center. Free buffet lunch for all owners of the co-op will start at noon, followed by a “meet and greet” with the Board of Directors candidates and the business meeting. Mark your calendars and come learn about your co-op!

Hope to see y'all there!



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