
The town has posted 2020 theme survey results, but the formatting is terrible. Can anyone help me get this into readable text?

Stepping away from 2020 Outreach so I can do 2020 outreach

A few days ago I sent the following message to my fellow members of the Outreach Committee for Chapel Hill 2020. Apparently having and stating strong opinions is incompatible with leadership in that process. Rather than spending time struggling to lead the internal outreach process, I think I will be a more effective and way more authentic advocate from the outside. It's a pity the Town can't make room for vocally opinionated comunity members to be leaders in creating our new comprehensive plan. We all have opinions. Some people are just more blunt about them than others. There are precious few "neutral" leaders who are qualified and motivated enough to serve.

Article: Women's representation in Chapel Hill town government

Occupy the Ballot Box: taking back our democracy from corporate rule from the grassroots up

9:00 am Registration  -- visitors are free, membership is $10, pre-order lunch


9:30 am Welcome and Introductions 

9:40 am Workshop/Teach-in by Pittsboro Mayor Randy Voller: 

             “How to Elect Progressive Candidates from the Grassroots Up”


11:40 am short break


11:45 am  Move to Amend:  Challenging the Myth of Corporate Personhood

     presentation and vote on resolution facilitated by Sally Goerner, MTA Triangle

12:15 pm Lunch and informal Discussion


1:00 pm  The future of voter-owned elections, transparency and accountability after Citizens United

               - Jake Gellar-Goad from Democracy NC


 1:30 pm Mobilizing for Campaigns without candidates:


              Defeating the marriage discrimination amendment - Sam Parker from Protect NC Families


              Protecting voter rights and ballot access for all -- Jake Gellar-Goad from Democracy NC


             Creating an independent redistricting commission -- Jesse Goslen, Wake Progressive Democrats


2:30 pm break 

2:40 pm The future of progressive politics in a rapidly changing world   -   roundtable discussion


4:30 pm adjourn



Saturday, December 3, 2011 - 9:30am to 4:30pm


Orange County Campus of Durham Tech, Room 201; 525 College Park Road, Hillsborough

Hal Crowther's cover article on the Occupy movement in this week's Indy lambasts Chapel Hill police overkill like only he can.



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