Growth & Development
Who would have thought that in 2008 there would be any question about where the county lines between Alamance and Orange are? Turns out the exact line is in dispute to the tune of several hundred acres.
Hillsborough budget proposal calls for tax rate increase of nearly 8%
Proposed $18.5 million budget would raise Carrboro tax rate 4.9%
notable quotes:
"The economy has really made it difficult," said Peterson, who noted that Chapel Hill and Carrboro also are facing local property tax-rate increases.
-- Hillsborough Town Manager Eric Peterson
"I don't recall, at least in recent history, a more dim outlook in terms of revenue projections," -- Carrboro Town Manager Steve Stewart.
Neighbors Burlington, Graham and Mebane have hired a law firm to fight the "Jordan Lake Rules" that the NC Division of Water Quality presented to the Environmental Management Commission. At issue is the unacceptable levels of nitrogen and phosphorous put into the Haw River, and thus Lake Jordan from upstream waste water and storm water runoff. Not very neighborly of them to want to keep dumping excess nutrients downstream, but as with all things the fight is really over the money that it would cost to retrofit existing infrastructure.
With the fate of the transfer tax not even decided, CH town manager Roger Stancil is already calling for an 11% tax rate hike for Chapel Hill. He warns that property tax rate increases of 3 to 10 cents (per $100 valuation) will not be uncommon in local jurisdictions. (And my guess is that this is a trend that will continue for the forseeable future. )
Following Ruby's April 3 post, and the energetic discussion that followed, here's an opportunity to discuss the prospect of re-developing the Glen Lennox development.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 3:00pm
Chapel Hill Town Hall, Town Council Chambers
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