Growth & Development
Having just read this article ( I do not know how I feel about this issue. On one and Jordan Lake seems to be a rather large body of water. So, why not tap into it?
On the other hand, it is a fixed source of water and as I look around I see many people and institutions waste this precious resource (water). Let's use the water that we have responsibly first. Then, when we need more, tap into other sources. I am leaning towards this idea.
This Tuesday, June 10, the County Commissioners will hold a work session with the planning board to discuss the proposed comphrehensive plan update. The meeting begins at 7:30pm and will be held at the Link Government Services Center, 200 S. Cameron St., Hillsborough. The work session will be the first public meeting at which the commissioners will scrutinize the plan, which has been under development since October 2006 and runs nearly 300 pages. The commissioners decided to schedule the work session because they recognized the need to closely examine the proposal before they referred it to the county planning board for their recommendation. For more information see the county's comp plan website and the website of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Coalition. Date:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 - 3:30pm
Link Government Services Center, 200 S. Cameron St., Hillsborough
This Tuesday, June 10, the County Commissioners will hold a work session with the planning board to discuss the proposed comprehensive plan update. Although the plan has been under development since October 2006, the work session will be the first public meeting at which the commissioners will scrutinize the plan. The work session begins at 7:30pm and will be held at the Link Government Services Center, 200 S. Cameron St., Hillsborough.
This Monday at 7:30 p.m. the county commissioners and planning board will be conducting a public hearing at the courthouse in Hillsborough on the proposed comprehensive plan update. Ideally, the plan will firmly establish the county on a path toward sustainability that balances environmental health, social equity, and economic vitality. The draft plan can be accessed from
In the first chapter many encouraging phrases are found such as: "Mixed-use districts are being actively encouraged, and locations are being identified, providing live-work-shop opportunities that minimize travel needs ... (T)he identification of growth opportunity areas near transit corridors and along major thoroughfares encourages more public transportation use by County residents. ... (P)lacing public water and sewer facilities near areas targeted for dense development can reinforce a more sustainable land use pattern ... (P)ublic investment will be focused to stimulate and accommodate (economic) development in strategic locations that can be served by transportation systems and be convenient to housing opportunities."
Given the rising cost of gas, it's not surprising that riding the bus has become increasingly popular. Of interest is the idea that in wealthy CH bus riding has increased 30%, whereas in Durham bus riding has only increased just 9.5%.
Is it a case of those who are most able to afford it taking advantage of CH's fare free system? Is it purely different demographics? Or is it different levels of service?
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