Planning & Transportation

Matthew Lee's Cruiser Tuesday 3rd Birthday

Speaking of Cyclists...

Matthew Lee does it again, this time in celebration of the inaugural Carrboro/Chapel-Hill Cruiser ride three years ago.
While the ReCYCLEry does not host Cruiser Tuesdays, you will ind a lot of us participating! For more information, please
read the following:

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
What:     Cruiser Tuesday dress up and ride
Where:    Starting at the newest BUB Hub location,
          Johnny's Sporting Goods, 901 W. Main Street, Carrboro
When:     7:00pm gathering, 7:30pm ride
Theme:    Funky Formal -- semi-formal, fully funky!

It's a social cycling mobile dancing costume party. Usually there's a theme, and quite often a Pabst tasting or a final stop at the Resevoir. It's NOT a "critical mass" type ride; we obey all street lights and traffic rules and do not block motorists. All bikes and skill levels are welcome.

Matthew has a Cruiser Tuesday blog with photos and details:

Here's an article describing how Matthew Lee brought it to the Triangle:

RSVP at:



Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 3:00pm


Starting at Johnny's Sporting Goods, 901 W. Main St., Carrboro, NC

The two most dangerous animals in Orange County are Deer and Cyclists!

  We reduce Deer Populations during the hunting season but there seems no solution for the Cyclist….there’s no declared season on bike riders.....we’re lost!   Just yesterday, I watched 50-100 cyclist riding north on US 15-501.   I thought I had stumbled on Tour De Orange, but I couldn’t help but wonder about the riders lack of common sense.   Now,... I’m not trying to be mean, but when these riders dash onto the roads with no protection from passing vehicles other than a pretty little helmet they must have a death wish!   Driving from bright sunshine into shady areas of country roads you can’t see while your eyes adjust to the shade!   If a driver encounters a deer, cow, or cyclist in such a condition, we just might drive into a dreadful accident or frighten ourselves into a heart attack!

Art for Safety's Sake

A friend who lives in St. Paul just sent me this link to a new project in their city. In order to calm traffic on residential streets (like mine), the city has employed bump outs, traffic circles and speed bumps. Now they're trying something new - Art Signs. The same size as traffic signs that say things like "Slow Children" (and wouldn't I like one of those on my street these days).

The object is to get drivers to slow down to look at the new unusual sign and then to subtly convey a message of traffic calming. The Teddy Bear is a pretty obvious choice as is the photo of children, but I personally like the lotus blossom with the labyrinth.


The Merritt Railroad Crossing

I imagine many OP readers have heard about area residents who are concerned about the new fence blocking access between Estes Park Apartments in Carrboro and Village West Townhouses in Chapel Hill.  The management of Estes Park erected a fence and gate which is padlocked.  The fence is 8' tall with three strands of barbed wire at the top.  It blocks a traditional connection between the two neighborhoods and by extension connections from each neighborhood to downtown Carrboro and Chapel Hill.

Public forum on Chapel Hill Transit's D & CL routes

Do you ride the D or CL bus? Let Chapel Hill Transit know what you think. 

Chapel Hill Transit will hold a public forum Thursday, July 17, to discuss suggested improvements to the D route and CL routes in the U.S. 15-501 area.

The forum will be held Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Bible Church, 260 Erwin Road.

Chapel Hill Transit seeks input on ideas to improve service on the two routes as a result of the BCX bus route being discontinued on Aug. 15.

The public is invited to also share thoughts via e-mail to, by calling 969-4900 or by mail to: Brian Litchfield, Chapel Hill Transit, 6900 Millhouse Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516.

- Forum scheduled on bus service, 7/13/08






Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 2:00pm


Chapel Hill Bible Church, 260 Erwin Road, Chapel Hill



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