Planning & Transportation

Bike Karma: ReCYCLEry bike drive at Performance

Do you have a bicycle to donate to the ReCYCLEry? Do your neighbors have bikes lying around, unused and deteriorating? If so, come on out to the ReCYCLEry Bike Drive on Saturday, November 15th, and bring them all!

Performance Bikes has generously offered to host the Bike Drive at their convenient downtown Carrboro location, 404 East Main Street next to the Arts Center. We're going to be there from 11am-3pm rain or shine and if you donate a bike you will get a 10% discount to Performance for the day!


Saturday, November 15, 2008 - 6:00am to 10:00am


Performance Bicycle, 404 East Main Street, Carrboro, 27510

County Commisssioners adopt new Comprehensive Plan

County Commissioners to consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan with revisions.

Agenda materials will be posted on the County’s website, prior to each of the above meetings, under “Meeting Agendas”.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 - 2:30pm


Southern Human Services Center, 2501 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill

NRG forum "Chapel Hill 2020: Where are we headed?"

Via e-mail announcement:

Dear NRG neighbors and supporters:

Mark your calendars for December 10, 2008!  Chapel Hill 2020:  where are we headed?

Neighborhoods for Responsible Growth will hold a public forum on growth, density, and the future vision for our community on the evening of Wednesday, December 10, 2008, in the Chapel Hill Town Council Chambers, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

As our community has grown, the need for a community-wide discussion on how we want our town to look has become acute. More and more citizens are expressing uncertainty and concern about what degree of density is most appropriate for our community, and where the best locations for it might be.

NRG believes that our region will develop best if it develops based on a comprehensive vision that is understood and endorsed by informed citizens. The goal of this forum is to kick off a community-wide discussion of these issues.  NRG will be broadcasting more information as the agenda and speaker list firms up. But for now:

-  Mark your calendar for this event

-  Please forward this e-mail to any and all potentially interested friends and neighbors

-    Please send any questions to NRG by return response to


    Thank you, and please watch for more details on this important event!


Julie McClintock and Kristina Peterson

Co-Chairs, NRG



Wednesday, December 10, 2008 - 2:00pm


Council Chambers, Chapel Hill Town Hall

Bus driver fired after fatal accident

I just got the following notice from the Chapel Hill Town Manager's offce:

We are saddened by the tragic accident of Valerie Hughes, who died on Oct. 28 after being struck by a bus while crossing a street in Chapel Hill. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to her family and to her friends.

The driver of the Chapel Hill Transit bus involved in the accident, James Orr, was placed on administrative leave without pay immediately. The Town of Chapel Hill conducted an internal investigation consistent with Town policy and statutory guidelines.

Effective November 3, 2008, James Orr, Transit Operator II was terminated as an employee of the Town of Chapel Hill.

The Town Council has expressed an ongoing concern with pedestrian safety, and this unfortunate accident highlights our need to continue and improve upon that effort.

Election Night Cruiser-Tuesday

What: Cruiser Tuesday dress up and ride

Where: Starting at Johnny's Sporting Goods, 901 West Main St., Carrboro, and ending up at Southern Rail and The Station to watch election results... The range County Campaign for Change Official Barack Obama Victory Party (Official Orange County Obama Election Night Party) will be happening at The Station upon arrival!

When: 7:00pm gathering, 7:30pm ride

Theme: Hope and change! Bring your flashy lights...

More info: It's a social cycling mobile dancing costume party. Usually there's a theme, and quite often a Pabst tasting. It's NOT a "critical mass" type ride; we obey all street lights and traffic rules and do not block motorists. All bikes and skill levels are welcome.

Check out this article,, describing how Matthew Lee brought it to the Triangle. Matthew also has a Cruiser Tuesday blog here:

The ReCYCLEry is not responsible for hosting or organizing Cruiser Tuesdays, though we are pleased to spread the word. You will often find many of our members participating. Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Starting at Johnny's Sporting Goods, 901 W. Main St., Carrboro, NC and Ending at Southern Rail and the Station



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