Planning & Transportation

Orange County Comprehensive Plan Update

Orange County is about to complete Phase 1 of its Comprehensive Plan Update. At 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 7 there will be a Public Information Meeting at New Hope Elementary School (click for Google Map) hosted by Orange County Planning staff. The meeting is intended to explain the purpose of and process for the Update, as well as receive feedback regarding the County's Draft Goals (PDF) that will be presented at a Public Hearing on August 27th. For the latest official information about the Orange County Comprehensive Plan Update you can visit the Orange County planning department.

Carolina North presentation

Oops, almost forgot to remind y'all, the last community info session on Carolina North is at 4 pm today! Also, the plans reviewed by the BOT last week have been posted online.

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

Continuing our community sessions on Carolina North, we will meet on Tuesday, July 31 at 4:00 p.m. in room 2603 at the School of Government at the intersection of South and Country Club Roads, opposite the Old Chapel Hill Cemetery.

Parking is available at either the NC 54 Visitors Lot or the Rams Head deck on Ridge Road. Parking may also be available at the parking meters along South Road. Information on transit service to the School of Government is below.

Earlier today, a draft concept plan was presented to the university's Board of Trustees. It showed both a possible 50-year development footprint as well as a possible scenario for the first 15 years. You can view the Power Point that was presented at At the meeting on July 31, we will present this plan to the community for your comments and feedback.

Help save the Carrboro Greenspace

If you are interested in the Carrboro Greenspace initiative (this land is a treasure that we simply cannot afford to lose!) there are two upcoming events you are encouraged to attend.

The first is an organizational meeting on July 30th at 6:30 p.m., at 116 Old Pittsboro St. in Carrboro (within walking distance from downtown and the Open Eye Cafe). The property is one of the only green spaces left in downtown Carrboro. In addition to its ecological diversity and geographic importance to the region (research shows green spaces are absolutely crucial to breathable, livable cities), the land houses important community projects (including the ReCYCLEry, the WITT, and others) that are vital to ensuring a sustainable and livable future in Carrboro and beyond.

Then, on August 4th at 5:30 p.m., the space will host a local-food potluck, performances, music, exhibits and an original fashion show (skirts and shirts), as well as tours of the site, and much more!

One less excuse not to use TTA

I got to watch the Simpsons last night!

On the rare occasions when I can go straight home after work I like to watch the Simpsons, which is on from 6-7 PM every week night.

But in the past the earliest bus I could get from Raleigh to Chapel Hill when I finished work was at 5:40. By the time the bus got to downtown Chapel Hill and I walked to my apartment it was usually 6:50. No Simpsons for me.

Well TTA has now added two extra routes in the morning and afternoon to give folks who work in Raleigh and live in Orange County more flexibility with their daily schedules.

The bus already left at 6, 7, and 8 AM. There are now 7:30 and 8:30 departures as well.

The old afternoon routes set off from Moore Square in downtown Raleigh at 4:30, 5:40, and 6:40. The new times are 4:40, 5:10, 5:40, 6:10, and 6:50.

What does this mean for me? Took the 5:10 bus home last night, walked in at 6:15 and got 45 minutes of Simpsons watching in!

Carrboro developments

When I retired from the Chapel Hill Planning Board, I said I would spend more time paying attention to Carrboro Politics. As promised, I am watching the Carrboro Board of Aldermen meeting (on TV). Tonight's agenda includes the changes at 300 East Main Street (redevelopment of the Arts Center/Cat's Cradle area).



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