Racial & Economic Justice

Human Relations Month Kick-off Event

At the Carrboro Century Center.

February is Human Relations Month. The Orange County Human Relations Commission, the Orange County Department of Human Rights & Relations and the Orange County Board of Commissioners will host a kick-off ceremony to acknowledge Human Relations Month in Orange County. The Human Relations Month Kick-Off will take place at the Carrboro Century Center on Sunday, January 27, 200 8 from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM.

As Orange County accepts its cultural and ethnic diversity, the ideology that all human beings should have the right to equitable health care will be the theme of this year’s Human Relations Month Kick-Off Event.

The Kick-Off will include musical entertainment by the band, Big Much and a performance by the Chuck Davis African-American Dance Ensemble.

The key speakers will be Shannon Fleg and Anthony Fleg. Ms. Fleg is a proud Dine (Navajo) woman from Arizona who serves as a coordinator for the Native Health Initiative. She is a social research associate for the UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Mr. Fleg serves as a coordinator for the Native Health Initiative. He recently earned a Masters in Public Health from UNC and will graduate from medical school in May 2008.

Come and help celebrate Orange County’s diverse cultures. The event is free and open to the public.

For additional information contact the Orange County Office of Human Rights and Relations, 919-960-3875.


Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 9:30am

Bring back 24/7 service at the shelter

Feeling charitable this solstice? The Inter-Faith Council, which provides critical support to some of our most vulnerable neighbors, had to roll back their hours due to lack of funding earlier this year. Thanks to a challenge grant, they are now poised to bring back 24-hour service, but only if they raise another $6,000 by December 31st.

You can donate to IFC online through Network for Good. Put "24/7 campaign" in the Designation field. If you care to mention in the Dedication field that you came from OrangePolitics, that would be a great way to let the IFC know how much we appreciate their work!

Your 24/7/365 gift will enable IFC to:

Rogers Road Waste Transfer Station - the blog

For those of you interested in following the development of the Rogers Road landfill and waste transfer station story, we have established a blog at http://rogersroad.wordpress.com.

We welcome your comments on the blog and encourage you to share this resource with your friends. We also welcome your support and attendance at the many public meetings held to discuss the search for a new location for the Waste Transfer Station. Send us your contact information and we'll keep you advised.

From all of us at the Rogers-Eubanks Coalition to End Environmental Racism (CEER), our best wishes for a warm and wonderful holiday and a New Year free from environmental racism!

Stan Cheren
Rogers-Eubanks Coalition
Communications Committee
(919) 942-9493 voice · (919) 942-9396 fax


Saturday's Progressive Democrats Conference in Chapel Hill featured Marisol Jimendez-McGee of El Pueblo. She summarized the macroeconomic causes of immigration to NC and some of the local reactions to it. She ended with a plea for help. So what do we do?

Real homelessness requires real solutions

What do y'all think about the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership's new "Real Change from Spare Change" program? Folks have been talking for years about something like this to discourage "panhandling." The idea is to encourage folks to give money at approved kiosks instead of directly to individuals, and to use the money to help homeless people to get connected with the services they need.

Ever since living in Miami in the 80's when I got asked for money on every block, I personally decided to never give money to individuals in the street. It seems unfair to only help some (who randomly asked me) and not all who equally need help. I wish no-one ever had to ask for money, it's an unpleasant experience for all involved. I've also heard anecdotal stories about people being harassed for money downtown, which is clearly a problem, although I don't know how widespread it really is.



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