Chapel Hill's forthcoming comprehensive plan is supposed to accomplish many things, one of which is to guide Town staff as the transition to from an incremental budgeting system to one that is priority-driven. Since the Town is beginning to use priority budgeting this year, I have been unsure as to how this will work. Last week, as part of Chapel Hill 2020, the Town hosted a budget simulation exercise called Budgetopolis to learn more about value-based budgeting. This exercise, facilitated by staff from the UNC School of Government, was held at the NC Botanical Gardens. Because of my role as an advisory board chair, I was invited to participate.
In August 2011, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of North Carolina Foundation filed public records requests with all 100 North Carolina counties and all police departments in municipalities with populations larger than 30,000. The requests were part of a nationwide effort coordinated by the ACLU to determine under what circumstances law enforcement agencies are tracking cell phones. Both the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the Chapel Hill Police Department received the requests, and here's what the ACLU found.
Orange County today announced that two public hearings on the transit tax and overall transit plan will be held in April. The hearings are designed to elicit feedback from members of the public on how the County should approach transit in the coming years. They will be part of regularly-scheduled meetings of the County Board of Commissioners, and will have two general parts.
First, a presentation will be given to detail various elements of the plan: the legislative issues involved in issuing the tax, the partnership with Durham County, the revenues, the expenditures, the timeline, etc. Second, members of the public will have the chance to speak on the plan by making comments, offering suggestions or posing questions.
The first hearing will be held in Hillsborough on April 3 at the Social Services in Hillsborough Commons. The second hearing will be at the on April 17 in Chapel Hill at the Southern Human Services. Be sure to come out and urge the commissioners to support transit and put the tax on the ballot this Fall!
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